In a country whose best known contribution to global technology may well be the Kalashnikov rifle, a new mobile-phone company once tied to Russia's state-run defense corporation hopes it will have as deep an impact on the world's next generation of smartphones.
Yota Devices is betting on its soon-to-be revealed dual-screen product to break the mold of mobile technology─combining a traditional LCD screen on one side and an electronic-paper display on the other, allowing for seamless information streaming while promising better battery life than the average smartphone.
Yota Devices正在全力打造一款的双屏手机即将面市,这款产品将打破移动技术的现有模式,它一面配备了传统的LCD显示屏,另一面则配备了电子墨水屏,允许信息无缝接入,而且与普通智能手机相比,这款手机的待机时间更长。
'We created this to be different,' said the company's 43-year-old chief executive, Vladislav Martynov, while demonstrating a prototype at his sleek Moscow office filled with antique telephones. 'Most phones nowadays are boring─they are just boxes. This is a phone for people who want to be outside that box.'
现年43岁的Yota Devices首席执行长马丁诺夫(Vladislav Martynov)说,我们推出这款手机就是为了创造与众不同的产品,在他位于莫斯科的气派的、摆满了各式古董手机的办公室里,他向记者展示了一部样机。他说,大多数手机的款式让人感到乏味,无非就是个方块盒子;这款手机是为那些想要摆脱盒子的人准备的。
A team of 35 engineers with a budget of $25 million worked since May to bring the concept into reality, he said.
Yota plans to show the new phone at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February. It is then scheduled to go on sale in Russia by the third quarter of next year before appearing in international markets the following quarter in cooperation with global carriers.
Yota计划明年2月份在巴塞罗那的全球移动通讯大会(Mobile World Congress)上展示这款手机,明年第三季度开始在俄罗斯销售这款手机,并于接下来的季度与国际运营商合作,把手机推向国际市常
The phone, which doesn't yet have a name, is powered by Google Inc.'s Android software. The cost is expected to be about $500, below the iPhone but in line with other top Android devices.
这款手机现在还没有名字。它搭载的是谷歌(Google Inc.)的安卓(Android)操作系统,预计售价在500美元左右。这个价格要低于iPhone的售价,但是与其他高端安卓设备的价格不相上下。
Breaking into the hugely competitive market is likely to be a tall order for a small newcomer.
'They have a novel idea but an unknown brand,' said Carolina Milanesi, an analyst at tech research firm Gartner Inc. 'The phone market is a lot about brand and fashion, so competition will be tough.'
行业研究公司Gartner的分析师米拉内西(Carolina Milanesi)说,他们有一个新颍的想法,但是人们对他们的品牌一无所知;手机市场重要的是品牌和流行趋势,他们面临的竞争将会相当残酷。
Mr. Martynov acknowledges the challenges, but says his phone offers something new, when major players 'haven't brought a lot of innovation in the past five to six years.' Ms. Milanesi said the phone may find fans as it could 'solve a problem by allowing people to have access to what information they care about most.'
The design will allow users to continuously view all kinds of streaming data in real time─from Twitter feeds to stock market tickers─without having to constantly wake their phones up from sleep mode or quickly drain their batteries.
The innovation lies in the use of the e-paper display, a technology most widely seen on e-book readers such as Amazon.com Inc.'s Kindle, which allows an image to be displayed at all times, but only uses power when the picture changes.
这款手机的创新之处在于它的电子墨水屏,这种技术广泛应用于电子书阅读器上,比如亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.)的Kindle,该技术可以使图像一直停留在屏幕上,只有在屏幕图像发生变化的时候才会耗电。
Phones with two LCD screens have appeared in Asian markets but have not been greatly successful.
Some companies have created phones with partial e-paper screens, while others have come up with slip-on covers that use the screens.
Mr. Martynov, a sharp-featured, 20-year veteran of software and IT companies, including Microsoft Corp., says the applications are limitless for the e-reader display.
马丁诺夫是一位面部棱角分明、拥有20年软件和IT公司从业经验的资深人士,他曾在微软(Microsoft Corp.)供职。他说,电子墨水显示屏的用途是无限的。
The black and white screen gives users the ability to display pictures of their family or favorite movie star, screen grabs of maps and airplane boarding passes or even weather updates without ever having to touch the phone. The images remain in place even if the phone runs out of power.
The display can also be customized to show surreptitious symbols when a message is received from someone the user would rather keep secret in certain situations.
Other unique elements include a curved display on one-side, using a first-of-its kind rounded glass from Corning Inc., designed to encourage users to always point the e-paper screen up when putting the phone down.
这款手机的其他独一无二的设计包括,手机一侧的曲面显示屏,这种显示屏使用了康宁公司(Corning Inc.)首次推出的球形玻璃,这种设计是为了鼓励用户在放手机的时候把电子墨水屏幕一侧朝上放置。
The screen is only partially touch-sensitive, with color and a full touch-screen a possibility for later generations.
'Their product design is totally different, so there will have to be a lot of education that will have to take place. Something so radical could potentially place it on the fringe and they will have to spend a lot to overcome that,' said Ramon Llamas, senior analyst of global mobile phone markets for IDC.
国际数据公司(International Data Corp)的全球手机市场高级分析师拉玛斯(Ramon Llamas)说,他们的产品设计完全不同,所以它需要向人们灌输许多新的信息;这种颠覆性的东西可能会让这家公司被边缘化,他们将不得不为了克服这一状况付出很大代价。