On New Year’s eve, Pieter Van Ostaeyen hung out with his brother’s family before skipping the midnight celebrations and going home to work.
新年前夕,彼得•范奥斯塔延(Pieter Van Ostaeyen)与哥哥一家呆在一起。之后,他没有参加午夜的庆祝,直接回家工作了。
This pursuit — toiled over at night and in his holidays — is not overspill from his day job as an enterprise architect and business analyst. Rather it is an all-consuming passion: to use Twitter and Facebook to track principally Belgian radicals fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) and Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria.
范奥斯塔延的正式职业是企业架构师和商业分析师。他在晚上和假期辛苦从事的这份工作并不是他白天没干完的部分,而是一份他热爱的、并倾注全部精力的事业:使用Twitter和Facebook来追踪极端分子的动向,主要目标是效忠伊拉克圣战组织“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)以及叙利亚圣战组织Jabhat al-Nusra的比利时极端分子。
As jihadis take to social media to find new recruits and broadcast their activities, so bloggers are able to track their activity from afar. Some do it as part of their job, but others such as Mr Van Ostaeyen, who is not recompensed for this work, hope one day to make it pay.
After last week’s attacks in Paris on Charlie Hebdo magazine’s office and a kosher supermarket, Mr Van Ostaeyen, who lives in Mechelen, Belgium, waded through his social media feeds, trying to detect significant information about the threat from Belgian fighters. Amid the feeds, he says, was one Belgian Isis fighter in Iraq calling on people back home to follow suit.
今年1月7日,法国巴黎发生了《查理周刊》(Charlie Hebdo)杂志社枪击案和犹太超市袭击案。此后,住在比利时梅赫伦(Mechelen)的范奥斯塔延浏览了他关注的社交媒体源发布的大量信息,尝试从中发现来自比利时极端分子的威胁的关键性线索。他说,在这些消息源中,有一名身在伊拉克的比利时籍ISIS战士呼吁人们在本国发动类似袭击。
Mr Van Ostaeyen says his feelings on the attackers are summed up in a blogpost by Clint Watts, senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. “Many, if not most, western jihadis are deeply troubled souls, at times more confused about their intentions and motivations than we are.”
范奥斯塔延说,他对这些袭击者的看法可以用美国外交政策研究所(FPRI)高级研究员克林特•沃茨(Clint Watts)博文中的一句话总结。“就算不是大多数,至少有很多西方圣战分子是饱受困扰的人,有时他们对自己的意图和动机比我们还迷惑。”
There is a remarkable amount of information to be found about homegrown radicals and those who go to Syria and Iraq to fight, he says. Some research has been relatively straightforward — once, for example, Mr Van Ostaeyen created a false identity of a fictional foreign fighter. He picked a photo of a man, his face concealed, waving an Isis flag on a mountain. Pretty soon he got 1,400 “friends” from across Europe.
“Syria is the most social mediated war ever,” says Mr Van Ostaeyen. “Social media is a propaganda channel.”
“叙利亚战争是迄今为止受社交媒体影响最大的战争,” 范奥斯塔延说,“社交媒体是一种宣传渠道。”
This comes at a time when journalists have become trophy targets, shown vividly by the Isis beheadings of American reporters James Foley and Steven Sotloff. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, 79 reporters have been killed in Syria since 1992, and in Iraq the death toll stands at 166.
最近这段时期,记者成了圣战战士向外界炫耀的战利品,ISIS斩首美国记者詹姆斯•弗利(James Foley)和史蒂芬•索特洛夫(Steven Sotloff)的事件鲜明地体现出这一点。保护记者委员会(Committee to Protect Journalists)的数据显示,自1992年以来,有79名记者在叙利亚被杀,而在伊拉克身亡的记者达到了166名。
The new breed of researcher analyses fighters at a distance rather than in the conflict zone. Currently writing a book on the Middle East from the crusades to today, Mr Van Ostaeyen sees Eliot Higgins, who became known by his blogging name Brown Moses, as a game-changer, demonstrating that the work can provide an income.
新型调查者并不亲临冲突一线,而是从远离冲突的地方分析这些战士。范奥斯塔延最近在撰写一本书,主题是从十字军东征到当代的中东。在他眼中,以博客“布朗•摩西”(Brown Moses)出名的埃利奥特•希金斯(Eliot Higgins)是一个改变游戏规则的人,他向世人展示这份工作能够提供收入。
Mr Higgins, a video games enthusiast and stay-at-home dad, who had previously worked in finance administration, has become a munitions expert, tracking the Syrian war from his home in Leicester in the UK. “The work he has been doing [on Syrian weapons and the downing of the MH17 plane] has been groundbreaking,” says Mr Van Ostaeyen. “He’s a good example of an independent, writing what he wants.”
Mr Van Ostaeyen got into this work through his interest in history and Arabic culture, which he studied at university. When the popular uprising in Syria began in 2011 — a country he had visited — his work intensified.
“I tried to make people in the west understand what was going on. I found it shameful that no one was doing anything.” He zoned in on foreign fighters. “Social media is my main source of information. It’s unbelievable how much information is out there.”
There is also a vast array of fake material. To make the switch from amateur to professional, bloggers must be scrupulous.
Reputation is everything, says Mr Higgins, who now gives talks to journalists. “It’s all you have. You have to be so careful. It requires a lot of work to produce reliable material.”
Obsessiveness is a trait Mr Higgins looks for in collaborators, although he is cautious that it is not ideology fuelling their passion.
A hazard of the work is witnessing horrifying acts of violence. “The first beheading I felt very sick — now I am numb to it,” says Mr Van Ostaeyen.
Mr Higgins says anyone who works with this sort of material has to “learn to mentally compartmentalise”. It is, he says, the small things that catch you off-guard.”
Professional researchers deploy their own strategies. JM Berger, the author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam, started life as a journalist and combines traditional reporting techniques with social media analysis. He has learnt to make a quick and efficient assessment of violence in videos. At key moments, he mutes the sound. “The most important thing is to frequently connect with life outside of work and remember that even when extremist movements are most successful they still only represent a tiny [section] of people.”
专业的调查者运用他们自己的策略。JM•伯杰(JM Berger)是《圣战者乔:以伊斯兰之名奔赴战场的美国人》(Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam)这本书的作者。他最开始做过记者。现在他将传统的新闻报道技法和社交媒体分析结合在一起。他已经学会对视频里的暴力行为进行快速有效的评估。在关键时刻,他会把视频静音。“最重要的事是经常与工作之外的生活保持联系,记住即使极端分子的行动非常成功,他们也依然只是人群中的很小的(一部分)。”
Phillip Smyth, a researcher at the University of Maryland who writes the blog Hizballah Cavalcade, which focuses on Shia Islamist militarism in the Middle East, notes that some groups want analysts to reproduce their content to legitimise and publicise it. “I very rarely disclose [which] social media accounts I follow, and I don’t publicly redistribute their propaganda,” says Mr Berger, whose next book will focus on Isis.
来自马里兰大学(University of Maryland)的研究人员菲利普•史密斯(Phillip Smyth)撰写一个叫“Hizballah Cavalcade”的博客,主要关注中东什叶派伊斯兰好战主义。他提到,一些群体希望分析人士将它们发布的内容重新撰写出来,以使其合法化和公开化。“我极少公开我关注哪些社交媒体账号,我也不会公开发布它们的宣传内容,”伯杰说。他下一本书的主题是ISIS。
The majority of people do not need to view it, believes Mr Berger. “This violent material is intended to push viewers’ buttons and provoke emotional reactions that serve the extremists’ interests.” However, policy makers and researchers should see some of the material, he says, in order to understand the cult of violence that Isis in particular is propagating. Mr Van Ostaeyen sees such videos as source materials to be used by historians, human rights watchers and possibly future war crimes prosecutors.
The work is important, he believes. “I want people to be aware why people go to fight in Syria,” he says. Nonetheless, there is a cost to the 38-year-old’s work. The intensity he devotes to his extracurricular job has meant he has lost social contacts. “It’s not a life. I live alone with a cat.”