Could there be any movie at the Sundance Film Festival more anticipated – perhaps with a bit of nervousness – than Richard Linklater's "Before Midnight"? With the third romantic outing for Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, fans are hoping the film honors the remarkable and beautiful "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset".
Undoubtedly, the picture is easily one of the hottest pictures that distributors may end up battling for. We'll soon know how it plays as the film premieres tonight, but until then, here are some new images from the movie.
Shot on the sly in Greece last summer, the picture catches up with Celine and Jesse nine years later, as once again they use a portion of the day to reignite their relationship. Not much has been given away about the story, though Hawke had previously teased that, "The biggest change between this one and the last one is the Internet" and that, "I feel like in a strange way we may have come to the end of the story." There's no doubt we're anxious to see where these characters go next, and we just hope it's as rewarding an experience as the previous two films.
这部电影去年夏天在希腊悄然摄制,讲述的是Celine和Jesse九年后再次相逢,相聚一天,重燃两人之间的火花。故事的内容只透露了一小部分,不过主演伊桑·霍克之前曾开玩笑地说过:“这部电影和上一部最大的区别在于这部中有了网络”。另外他还说:“我有一种奇怪的感觉,这个电影可能就要这样结束了。” 我们无疑都非常焦急地等待着角色的发展,希望这部电影像前两部一样值得一看。
After playing Sundance, "Before Midnight" will head to the Berlin International Film Festival next month, and hopefully we'll see it open in theaters soon.