Then: In 1991, she was the epitome of precocious as Vada, a death-obsessed girl who lives in a funeral parlor in the hit coming-of-age film My Girl.
Now: The actress – who is expecting a baby – plays the Vice President's power Chief of Staff on the hit HBO comedy Veep.
彼时:1991年在热门成长电影《我的女孩》中她是早熟儿童的典型,饰演一个生活在殡仪馆且迷恋死亡的女孩Vada 。
此时:这位正期待着孩子的女演员,在大热的HBO电视剧《副总统》中扮演副总统权力班子里的人员 。
Then: In 1996, Bynes joined the cast of Nickelodeon's sketch comedy show All That, eventually nabbing her own starring gig, The Amanda Show, in 1999.
Now: Bynes announced that she was retiring from acting on Twitter but has since been acting out. Still, she insists, "I'm doing amazing" – and then she Tweets something like this.
彼时:1996年贝尼斯加入尼克旗下精短喜剧《All That》剧组,最终获得自己的主演秀,1999年的The Amanda Show 。
此时:贝尼斯在Twitter上宣布她将退出演艺圈,但不久又再次回归 。不过她坚持:“我一直做得很棒”——然后她在推特上如是说 。
Then: From 1991 until 1998, Thomas played Randy Taylor, the middle child and most mischievous of Tim Allen's sons on Home Improvement – a role that earned him bona fide teen idol status.
Now: After ditching Hollywood for the library – Thomas attended Harvard, Columbia and Scotland's St. Andrews University – JTT is reuniting with his former TV dad for an appearance on Allen's show Last Man Standing. "I never took the fame too seriously," he says. "It was a great period in my life, but it doesn't define me."
彼时:从1991年到1998年,托马斯扮演了中间儿兰迪泰勒,在《家居装饰》中出演了蒂姆•艾伦的最调皮的儿子,这个角色让他赢得了青少年偶像的地位 。
此时:经过为读书放弃了好莱坞,托马斯进入哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学和苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学 。 JTT与他以前在电视上的父亲重聚,出现在艾伦的喜剧《最后的男人》中 。“我从来没有把名气看得太认真,”他说 。“这是我生命中的一个重要阶段,但它不能定义我 。”
Then: A child star who appeared on Family Ties, Gordon-Levitt became a household name in 1996 when he played alien Tommy Solomon on 3rd Rock from the Sun.
Now: Can you say superstar? Gordon-Levitt has racked up roles in some of the biggest films of the past five years, including The Dark Knight Rises, Inception and Lincoln – and thanks to his portrayal of brokenhearted Tom in (500) Days of Summer, he's also hit heartthrob status.
彼时:一个童星出现在《家庭关系》中,当他在1996年《笑星撞地球》中扮演外星人汤米时高登-莱维特成为家喻户晓的名字 。
此时:你会说是巨星吗?高登-莱维特过去五年赢得了一些大电影中的角色,包括《黑暗骑士崛起》、《盗梦空间》和《林肯》——由于他在《恋夏500日》中对失恋的汤姆的塑造,他也凭借柔情大热 。