Nothing gets a "Vampire Diaries" fan's attention like the mention of the Original vampires. Now that it looks like that family may get its own, Klaus-centered spinoff series, it can be hard to think of anything else.
相信现在没有什么比《吸血鬼日记》的吸血鬼祖先们更能让这部剧的粉丝们注意的了吧。似乎现在吸血鬼祖先们也有自己的美剧了,一部以 Klaus为主角的衍生剧要诞生了。
Fortunately, it does not seem that "The Vampire Diaries" showrunner Julie Plec is keeping quiet on her potential new series. The producer spilled a whole lot of beans about "The Originals" when she gave an interview to EW.com.
幸运的是,这部衍生剧的执行制片人,同时也是《吸血鬼日记》的执行制片人Julie Plec对这部新剧的消息不是守口如瓶。他在接受《娱乐周刊》采访时很大方的分享了这部衍生剧的相关信息。
First of all, the basics on "The Originals". The show will center on Klaus (Joseph Morgan) as he travels back to New Orleans, a city he helped to found several hundred years earlier. Newly introduced werewolf Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) will also play a part in the story. The introduction to the spinoff will come in the form of a back-door pilot, set to air as a regular "TVD" episode on April 25.
首先,这部剧将会主要讲述“吸血鬼祖先们”。而主角自然是Klaus,剧中Klaus回到几百年前自己曾经有份帮助建立的城市 ——新奥尔良。新出现的狼人Hayley仍将会在这部衍生剧中出现《吸血鬼日记》4月25号播出的那一集将会为这部衍生剧做好剧情铺垫。
Marcel is another one of those fun vampires.
We don't need to worry about Marcel being a serious or moral vampire in any way. If anything, we may be getting a new Damon in the spinoff. "He is the life of the party," Plec said of King Vampire of New Orleans. "He is diabolical and dangerous and he is a rock star. If anything, he's that kind of hard-partying, hard-living vampire who knows how to enjoy the most out of life."
The other Original siblings may have a part, but it's not certain yet.
When asked about the involvement of Klaus' siblings Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Rebekah (Claire Holt), Plec said:" there is always a role for Elijah. It's only a matter of whether in Daniel Gillies' world there is an interest in having a job."
当被问到Klaus的兄弟姐妹Elijah和Rebekah的时候,Plec说:“这部剧始终都会给Elijah留个位置,不过不知道Daniel Gillies(Elijah扮演者)对这部剧、这个角色会不会有兴趣。”
As for Rebekah, the "TVD" showrunner remained coy. "It really all comes down to Rebekah's future, and all that stuff that remains undetermined."
The werewolf remains a mystery.
Since all reports have included Hayley in the potential story of "The Originals," it is natural to wonder how the werewolf fits in. Plec isn't saying. "That is all part of the big mystery," she said. "No one should assume anything about the way this is gonna play out, because with luck, it will be a nice surprise for everybody."