It's been a long and dangerously relaxing break. What's the secret to returning to the fray as seamlessly as possible? Try these 10 tips
这是一段漫长而危险的放松休息时间 。有什么秘诀可以尽可能顺利地回归职场?试试以下10个技巧
1. Ease in
You won't be used to a strong coffee first thing, or early morning socialising with people you don't care for. Above all, try not to achieve too much on your first day back at work; it's enough that you're there. Sit down at your desk with a weak tea and watch a couple of episodes of Homes Under the Hammer on your computer.
你将不用习惯第一件事就是一杯浓咖啡,或一大早与你并不关心的人社交 。最重要的是,在你回来上班的第一天尽量不去完成太多工作;你在那里已经足够了 。在你的办公桌旁坐下来泡一杯清茶,在你的计算机上看两集《Homes Under the Hammer》 。
2. Make a clean break
Did you leave a lot of work unfinished before you left for Christmas? Chuck it all out. That's 2012 business. This is 2013. If there was any point to that work at all, you would have done it last month. Don't put it to your boss quite that way.
在你圣诞节休假之前有没有剩下很多工作未完成?全部检查一遍 。那是2012年的事情 。现在是2013年 。如果有任何与那份工作有关的事,你本该在上个月完成 。不要就那样把它交给你的老板 。
3. Celebrate 'bring your tree to work' day
Take your old Christmas tree into the office. Tell everyone you're taking it to the recycling centre in the afternoon. Surreptitiously decorate it during your tea break.
把你的旧圣诞树带进办公室 。告诉大家下午你会把它送到回收中心 。在你下午茶时间偷偷装饰它 。
4. Make a fresh start
It's time to set aside all your old work-avoidance routines, and come up with some brand new ones. You need something you can continually check up on while you're supposed to be getting stuff done. Try putting a webcam on your cat.
是时候抛开你过去所有的工作回避例程,想出一些全新的东西 。在你应当完成任务时你需要一些不断督促自己的东西 。试着把一个摄像头安在你的猫身上 。
5. Indulge your appetite
For the first week you'll get hungry at odd times, possibly as a result of spending two weeks sitting on the sofa eating cereal out of the box in front of World's Strongest Man. Don't wait for lunch – you won't make it. But don't skip lunch either; you'll probably fancy a cocktail about then.
第一周在你空闲时你会感到饥饿,可能是由于花了两周时间坐在沙发上吃着盒子里的燕麦看着《世界大力士》 。不要等待午餐——你做不到的 。但也不要跳过午餐;你可能之后会幻想一杯鸡尾酒 。
6. Sabotage everyone else's new years' resolutions
Bring chocolate to work one day, champagne the next. Pretend it's your birthday if you have to.
某天带巧克力来工作,第二天香槟 。假装这是你的生日如果你不得不 。
7. Book your holiday now
In this dark winter of long hours for low pay, you need nothing so much as a sense of hope. Planning a summer break should go some way to fostering the hope that in six months' time you will still have a job to take a holiday from.
在这长时间低工资的黑暗冬天,你甚至连希望都不需要 。规划一个暑假应该有一些办法来培育希望以至于在六个月的时间内你将仍然有一份可以休假的工作 。
8. Re-develop the winter vomiting bug
Any time you spent being violently ill during the holidays should be clawed back off your employer now, while the norovirus is still topical.
现在任何你放假期间花在生病上的时间应该从你的雇主那收回,然而诺如病毒仍然是局部的 。
9. Go to the nearest gym during your lunchbreak, chuck £50 into the lobby, and leave
You can do this every day for two weeks, and it's still cheaper than a membership.
你可以连续两周每天都这样做,它仍然要比一个会员价便宜 。
10. Quit your stupid dead-end job
Don't wait until the end of the month, when all those bills fall due.
不要等到本月底,当所有这些账单都到期时 。