HONG Kong feng shui master Raymond Lo says 2013 will be less turbulent than 2012 because the Chinese New Year in February will usher in the Year of the Snake, bringing an end to the Year of the Dragon, which was associated with water. Water is one of the five elements in feng shui theory, the Chinese practice of arranging objects and choosing dates to improve luck.
香港风水大师Raymond Lo表示2013年将比2012年顺利得多,因为中国新年将在2月迎来蛇年,结束与水有关的龙年 。水是风水学的五元素之一,中国安排事务和挑选日子来改善运气的实践 。
"Water is fear. So that's why we have had so much turbulence especially in the winter months," such as doomsday prophecies, school attacks and concern about the economy, said Lo. "But the good news is that the coming Year of the Snake is the first time that fire has come back since 2007. Fire actually is the opposite to water, fire is happiness. So therefore the Year of the Snake is a much more optimistic year. So you can see signs of economic recovery now," he said.
“水是恐惧 。所以这就是为什么我们有如此多的动荡尤其是在冬季的几个月里,”如世界末日的预言,校园枪击案和对经济的忧虑,Lo说 。“但好消息是即将到来的蛇年是自2007年以来火元素的第一次回归 。火实际上是水的对立面,火意味着幸福 。所以蛇年是更加乐观的一年 。所以你现在可以看到经济复苏的迹象了,”他说 。