AT the end of the year, most filmmakers hope to rake in profits and praise, but it seems that few Chinese blockbusters have been able to escape cracks and flak this season.
今年年底大多数制片人希望名利双收,但这一季似乎很少有中国大片能有幸逃离口诛笔伐 。
The recent success of a low-budget comedy shows that Chinese audiences are not too demanding. They simply want to be entertained and, sometimes, have a nerve touched.
最近一部低成本喜剧片的成功表明中国观众并不太苛刻 。他们只是想要娱乐一下,有时,感动一下 。
"Lost in Thailand," a conventional comedy about two rival Chinese businessmen and a simple-minded pancake maker, grossed more than 700 million yuan (US$111 million) by Christmas Eve and has broken box office records for domestic films since it premiered on December 12.
《泰囧》,一部传统喜剧,讲述了两个对立的中国商人和一个头脑简单的卖饼小贩,到平安夜票房收入已经超过7亿元人民币(合1.11亿美元),自12月12日首映以来打破了国产片的票房纪录 。
The comedic hit cost just 30 million yuan to make, but has outshone and out-earned other blockbusters that bombed at the box office after costing millions to make.
这部大热的喜剧片成本仅3000万元,但已经胜过且盈利超过其他票房惨败且花很多钱制作的大片 。
After laughing through the 105-minute movie, many moviegoers have hung around in the theaters to watch behind-the-scenes clips included in the movie's closing credits.
105分钟电影的笑声不断之后,在电影谢幕时许多观众还徘徊在影院观看着幕后片段 。
The response is unusual for a low-budget affair, especially amid strong competition from blockbusters such Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" and Feng Xiaogang's "Back to 1942."
The comedy won rave reviews by giving Chinese audiences what they want: popular stars, funny dialogue, good timing and a prompt for self-reflection.
这部喜剧好评如潮,给了中国观众他们想要的东西:流行明星,有趣的对话,良好的时机以及自我反省的一个提醒 。
Religious and political fanatics are absent from the movie, making it a breeze to sit through, and it stars three of China's top comedians, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang.
宗教和政治狂热远离电影,使它能轻而易举地从头看到尾,主演是中国三大顶尖喜剧演员徐铮、黄渤和王宝强 。
It is also Xu's directorial debut.
它也是徐铮的导演处女作 。
Xu has been devoted to stage shows for many years, which may explain why he knows exactly how a comedy should work, and the dialogue is consistently humorous, even though a few punch lines are predictable.
徐铮多年来一直致力于舞台表演,这或许可以解释为什么他准确知道一部喜剧应该如果起作用,对话一如既往的幽默,尽管一些妙语是可以预测的 。
In a plot that twists and turns, the lives of the businessmen and the pancake maker collide on the journey to Thailand. Also thrown into the mix are the man who owns the largest share of the two businessmen's company, an unhappily married wife, a lonely daughter and a real-life celebrity.
在一个迂回曲折的情节中,两名商人和一名做饼的在泰国之旅的生活碰撞 。也混入了拥有两名商人的公司最多股权的男人,婚姻不幸福的妻子,孤独的女儿和真实的名人 。
Chinese modern writer Lu Xun said a comedy should tear apart the worthless and showcase the process, and "Lost in Thailand" does just that.
中国现代作家鲁迅说喜剧应该把无价值的东西撕裂并展示这个过程,《泰囧》就是这么做的 。
The plot moves so swiftly and smoothly that a moviegoer might wonder where the time went - that is, if he or she is not too caught up in thinking about what is worth pursuing in life, or pondering what the movie has to say about modern Chinese society.
情节进展如此迅速和顺利,看电影的人可能会想知道时间的推移在哪——也就是说如果他或她没有太陷入思考生活中什么是值得追求的,或这部电影想对中国现代社会说些什么 。