Most young women in China would prefer to date men 10 years older than themselves, a nationwide survey has found.
在中国大部分年轻女性更愿意与比自己大10岁的男人约会,一个全国性调查发现 。
They told researchers they preferred older men because they were more attractive, wealthier and better able to take care of them.
她们告诉研究人员,她们更喜欢年长的男人,因为他们更有魅力、富有且能更好地照顾她们 。
According to the survey of 98,000 men and women across the country, 70 percent of women aged between 18 and 25 preferred older men. Of those, about 64 percent were hoping to have older boyfriends, 17 percent had dated older men and the rest expressed a preference for older men over men their own age.
根据对全国范围内98000名男女的调查,70%年龄在18岁到25岁的女性首选老男人 。这其中,大约有64%的人希望能有年长的男朋友,17%与年长的男人约会过,其余也表示与自己年龄相仿的男性相比更偏爱年长的男性 。
However, the women were concerned that such relationships might not please their parents and that an older man might have a family already or could be too mature for them to handle.
然而,女性担心这样的关系可能会让父母不悦,一位年长男人可能已有家室或可能对她们来说太成熟而无法驾驭 。
According to the survey, published by the Training and Communication Center of the National Population and Family planning Commission, together with Beijing-based wedding website jiayuan.com, the country has 249 million unmarried adults.
根据调查结果,由国家人口和计划生育委员会的培训和交流中心连同北京婚恋网站佳缘网发布,这个国家有2.49亿未婚成年人 。
A nationwide census report in November 2010 showed that nearly 12 million men aged 30 to 39 were single and hoping to marry younger women.
2010年11月全国人口普查报告显示,近1200万年龄在30岁到39岁的男人是单身,希望与年轻女性结婚 。
The survey also found that both men and women were becoming more open-minded about sex with virginity unimportant in a future spouse.
调查还发现男人和女人对性都变得更加开放以及未来配偶关系中处女处男已无关紧要 。
Some 84 percent of men and 73 percent of women said they didn't care whether their future spouse was a virgin or not.
大约有84%的男性和73%的女性说他们不关心他们未来的配偶是否是处女或处男 。
But when it came to living together, 86 percent of men were happy with idea of living together before marriage, compared to 36 percent of women.
但涉及到同居时,相比36%的女性有86%的男性对婚前同居的想法很高兴 。