The French Quarter: The backdrop to many of the sequences in Life of Pi. Pondicherry then frequently changed hands between France and Britain between 1761-1815, after which it remained in French possession until 1954.
法租界(朋迪榭里):《少年派》中很多幕场景的背景地 。朋迪榭里之后从1761年到1815年一直在法国和英国之间频繁易手,直到1954年重被法国拥有 。
Some grand French Quarter houses have been converted into boutique hotels and restaurants. The menu combines Indian and French flavours but the wine is from Pune in Maharashtra.
朋迪榭里一些大房屋已经被改装成小型酒店和餐馆 。菜肴融合了印度和法国的口味,但红酒来自于 马哈拉施特拉邦的浦那 。
Grand Bazaar and Tamil Quarter: The setting for Pi’s flirtations with his girlfriend Anandi ,this football pitch-sized market crams in dozens of types of bananas, sacks of beans, okra and ginger, and flowers.
大巴扎和泰米尔广场:派和他的女朋友Anandi调情的场景设置地,这个足球场大小的集市上摆满了数十种香蕉、大袋的豆子、秋葵、姜、和鲜花 。
The smell of jasmine garlands and curry leaves fills the air, though both struggle to compete with the fish market next door. Pi is played in the film by Suraj Sharma, pictured here.
茉莉花环和咖喱叶的味道弥漫在空气中,虽然难以与隔壁鱼市相竞争 。派在电影中是由苏拉•夏尔马扮演,本图 。
Le Jardin Botanique de Pondicherry: The zoo where Pi’s father works demanded a film set, of course, so director Ang Lee settled on the town’s Botanical Gardens.
朋迪榭里的蒙特利尔植物园:派的父亲工作的动物园当然需要一个电影拍摄地,所以导演李安设在镇上的植物园里 。
Created by the French in 1826 and covering about 20 acres, the Botanical Gardens are about a mile from the French Quarter, and fronted by the yellow walls typical of Pondy’s remaining French buildings.
由法国1826年建造,覆盖约20英亩,植物园离法租界大约一英里,面对一排黄墙,朋迪榭里遗留的法国建筑典型 。
It’s a popular place for courting young Pondicheriens, but it doesn’t offer much of an escape for anyone suffering from humidity. For those feeling the heat, the town’s only swimming pool can be found at the Ananda Inn, famed for its great-value vegetarian buffet
这是一个迎合年轻的朋迪榭里人的好地方,但它没有对不适应湿度的人提供多大的庇护 。对那些感觉到热的人,镇上唯一的游泳池能在Ananda客栈找到,以其高价值的素食自助餐而闻名 。
Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Referenced in the novel as a place where Mamaji – Pi’s uncle – swam 30 lengths every morning, and appearing fleetingly in the film as a backdrop, there is no more important place in modern Pondicherry than the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram:小说中提到的地点Mamaji – 派的叔叔——每天早晨游30个直池,作为背景在影片中一闪而现,在现代朋迪榭里没有比Sri Aurobindo Ashram更重要的地方了 。