Kristen Stewart doesn't want kudos for getting naked on screen.
克里斯汀•斯图尔特不想要在屏幕上裸露而获得的荣誉 。
The 22-year-old opened up to the Huffington Post about her role as teenage bride Marylou in the movie adaptation of Jack Kerouac's Beat classic On the Road. The role required some nudity, but that's not what Stewart hopes viewers will ultimately take away from the film.
这位22岁的女演员向《赫芬顿邮报》开诚布公地谈论了她的角色,在杰克•凯鲁亚克的“垮掉经典”《在路上》的改编电影中饰演青少年新娘玛丽露 。这个角色需要一些裸露,但这不是斯图尔特希望观众从这部电影中最终带走的东西 。
"I do hate also when people go, 'Oh, wow, great performance. So brave,' " Stewart said. "Oh, because I'm naked? That's very annoying. But at the same time, if that's what they're focusing on, then On the Road probably isn't for them anyway."
“我也确实讨厌当人们叫嚷说‘哦,哇,伟大的表演 。这么勇敢,”斯图尔特说 。“哦,因为我是裸体吗?这是非常恼人的 。但同时,如果这就是他们所关注的,那么无论如何 《在路上》可能都不适合他们 。”
Stewart, having read the 1957 novel, connected with the characters and wanted to do the role justice.
斯图尔特,看过1957年的小说,与角色有感应并想恰如其分地表现这个角色 。
"This book celebrates being alive and it celebrates being human, and if you want to cover up and deny any aspect of that, you are denying the spirit of the book," she said.
“这本书赞扬活着赞扬做人,如果你想掩盖和否认那个的任何方面,你就是在否认这本书的精神,”她说 。
And going topless is nothing compared to the reward of a successful project for Stewart.
对斯图尔特而言赤裸上身根本比不上一部成功作品的荣誉 。
"I need to be so rocked by something, so moved by something that the idea of letting it down or ruining it is painful, and that's what gets you through the shoot," she said. "If you start also considering what people are going to think, you'll never make a movie."
“我需要因某些东西而震惊而感动以至于放弃或毁掉它是痛苦的,那是让你通过拍摄的东西,”她说 。“如果你开始还考虑人们会想什么,你永远不会拍一部电影 。”