You’ve probably heard the old saying “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”
Perhaps you feel like it’s true. You look at other people’s lives, and you envy them. They seem to be doing so much better than you. They’ve got a great job. Lots of money. A happy home life. They seem to have it all. And you can’t help wishing that you did, too.
But none of us ever really know what it’s like to live someone else’s life. No-one’s life is perfect – whatever it looks like from the outside.
Plus, it’s a safe bet that some of your friends are looking at your life and thinking very similar things. Whatever state your life is in, you’ve got a lot of good things. You just need to recognize them again.
I. Enjoy What You Have
One of the best ways to love your current life is to write a list of things you’re grateful for. It doesn’t matter if they seem small or insignificant: little everyday moments of happiness count. You might think of:
1. People who you’re grateful for – your family, friends, housemates, co-workers…
1. 你感谢的那些人:你的家人、朋友、室友、同事等等;
2. Treats which you enjoy – the smell of fresh coffee, the taste of dark chocolate, a long bath after a hard day…
2. 你喜欢的那些东西:新鲜现磨咖啡的香味,黑巧克力的味道,还有辛苦一天后好好洗个热水澡;
3. Things which make your day easier – the dishwasher, online grocery shopping, fast internet access at work…
3. 会让生活变得轻松的事物:洗碗机、网上购物、工作时的快捷网络;
4. Anything special which you’ve grown accustomed to – your wedding ring, your smartphone, a favorite coat…
4. 已经让你变得习惯的特别物件:结婚戒指、智能手机、最喜欢的外套;
5. Happy moments – chatting with a friend, something which made you laugh, playing with your kids…
5. 那些欢乐时光:和朋友的闲聊、让你开怀大笑的事情、和孩子们一起玩耍......
II. Focus on the Good Points
When we’re thinking about future goals and ambitions, it’s easy to end up in quite a negative mood about the present. Perhaps you start thinking through all the things you want to change in your life: losing weight, getting fit, quitting smoking, switching jobs…
As well as thinking of what you might want to change, look at the areas of your life which are currently good. Maybe:
1. You get on well with your colleagues at work, and you’ve got a good relationship with your boss
1. 你跟同事相处得非常融洽,跟老板的关系也很好;
2. You’ve got some real strengths – like being able to establish a quick connection with clients, and being organised
2. 你已经培养了一些真正的优势:比方说能很快的与客户建立联系,而且比较有条理;
3. Your house is set up pretty much how you want it – there might not be loads of space, but it feels like home
3. 家里的构造正是你一直想要的:可能空间不大,但非常有家的温馨;
…and so on. How could you make more of these good things? Perhaps you could spend more time on your hobbies, or concentrate on your particular strengths at work.
III. Live in the Moment
It’s appropriate to plan for the future, and to learn from the past – but it’s not a good idea to constantly have your mind on how “things will be better next year when…” or on “life was so much better last year because…”
为未来计划和从过去学习,这都是很正确的做法,但如果你的心里总是在纠结 “明年等......的时候事情可能会好起来” 或是“去年的生活轻松多了因为......” ,那就不太对了。
Being able to live in the moment means appreciating what’s around you. It’s about having your attention on now, instead of reminiscing about what’s already gone, or worrying about what’s yet to come. Living in the moment means:
1. Enjoying your days off, without constantly thinking about Monday morning.
1. 休息日就好好休息,别总是想着马上要来的周一;
2. Taking time to stop and watch a beautiful sunset, or to enjoy the smell of fresh-mown grass.
2. 花点时间停下来看看美丽的夕阳,或者闻闻刚刚修剪过的草坪的青草香;
3. Eating your meals more mindfully – instead of grabbing a sandwich on the run.
3. 更用心的享受每一餐食物,而不是抓一个三明治匆匆了事。
By keeping your attention on the present moment, the here-and-now, you can get much more enjoyment from the life you already have.