South Korean rapper Psy's Gangnam Style has become the most-watched YouTube video of all time with more than 805m views.
韩国说唱歌手Psy的《江南Style》已经成为YouTube上最受瞩目的视频,上传以来超过80500万次点击 。
The camp video, which has spawned a growing number of spoof and clips, wrested the title from Canadian singer Justin Bieber's Baby, which has more than 803m views.
这个视频,引发了越来越多的恶搞和剪辑,打败了加拿大歌手贾斯汀•比伯拥有超过80300万点击数的歌曲《baby》 。
Psy, whose real name is Park Jae-sang, has become an international star since Gangnam Style's release in July.
Psy原名朴载相,自7月《江南Style》发布以来已经成为了国际明星 。
Psy's song, which pokes fun at the fashion-conscious residents of an upmarket neighbourhood in Seoul, has topped charts around the world, selling more than 4m copies worldwide.
Psy这首嘲笑首尔上流社会居民时尚的歌曲已经位居世界各地排行榜前列,全球销售超过400万张唱片 。
An array of public figures, including the sculptor Anish Kapoor, and UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon have copied his "horse riding" dance.
一系列公众人物,包括雕刻家安尼施•卡普尔和联合国秘书长潘基文已经模仿过他的骑马舞 。In October Gangnam Style became the first Korean song to top the official UK pop chart.
10月《江南style》成为第一首英国官方流行榜单前列的韩国歌曲 。
Earlier this month the rapper was awarded one of South Korea's highest cultural honours, the Okgwan Order of Cultural Merit, in recognition of his global success.
本月早些时候,这位说唱歌手被授予韩国最高文化荣誉之一的玉冠文化勋章,以表彰他在全球获得的成功 。