SHANGHAI is considered to be the cradle of "model husbands" after local men took the top spot in a nationwide model husband survey released by Horizon Research, a Beijing-based consulting firm yesterday.
自上海本地男性在零点研究(一个总部位于北京的咨询公司)昨天发布的全国模范丈夫调查中卫冕之后,上海被认为是“模范丈夫”的摇篮 。
The survey involved 1,098 residents from Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Zhengzhou and Hangzhou cities. They were over 18 and closely balanced between men and women.
这项调查涉及了来自北京、广州、西安、郑州和杭州的1098名居民 。他们都在18岁以上,且男女比例非常平衡 。
All the interviewees were asked to answer a simple question: Which province or municipality do you think is the cradle of model husbands in China?
Shanghai was a "dark horse," said Xu Qinghong, a researcher who conducted the survey.
上海成了“黑马”,进行该项调查的研究人员徐庆红说 。
"The result was not what we expected since none of the interviewees are Shanghai natives," Xu said.
“结果不在我们预期之内,因为所有的受访者都不是上海本地人,”徐说 。
The rank of other cities was not available yesterday.
其他城市的排名昨天还没有获得 。
Xu said some traditionally think of Shanghai men as very mean, a stereotype perpetuated in literature.
徐说,一些传统观念会认为上海男人非常小气,这是文学上延续的一种固定形式 。
But people see Shanghai men differently now as Shanghai becomes the most developed region in east China, providing better-paid jobs and career development, she said.
但现在人们会以不同的视角看待上海男人,因为上海成为了中国东部最发达的地区,能提供更高薪水的工作和职业发展,她说 。
"Cities such as Shanghai and Beijing have many advantages over other Chinese cities by nature. Good location, higher incomes and more opportunities on the career path all make the men there to be an ideal husband for women," Xu said.
“诸如上海和北京这样的城市相对中国其他城市而言本质上有很多优势 。良好的位置、更高的收入和职业道路上的更多机会都让那里的男人成为女性心目中的理想丈夫,”徐说 。
Shanghai men enjoyed the highest reputation in Xi'an City in northwest China as 19.1 percent of the respondents from Xi'an voted for Shanghai as the cradle of model husbands.
上海男人在中国西北部的城市西安享有最高的声誉,西安有19.1%的受访者都投票支持上海作为模范丈夫的摇篮 。
Also, 14.2 percent of the respondents from Hangzhou said Shanghai has the most model husbands.
同时,杭州有14.2%的受访者说上海拥有最多的模范丈夫 。
Yan Meifang, a 35-year-old woman from Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, married a Shanghai man nine years ago.
严梅芳,一位来自陕西省西安的35岁妇女,九年前嫁给了一个上海男人 。
"Shanghai men are more attentive than men in my hometown. They may be petty in some aspects but most of the time you would feel warm living with them," Yan said.
“上海男人比我家乡的男性更体贴 。他们可能在某些方面有点琐碎,但大多数时候与他们生活你会感到温暖,”严说 。
Career ambition is seen as the most important quality that a model husband should have, followed by sense of responsibility and maturity, Xu said.
事业心被视为是一个模范丈夫应具备的最重要品质,其次是责任心和成熟度,徐说 。