Season 3 of The Walking Dead has added some of the most iconic characters from the comic book on which the show is based. We’ve been treated to Michonne (and her pets), the Governor, zombie Penny. But according to Robert Kirkman, who is the creator of the comic and exec producer of the TV adaptation, we’re about to see another big name character make the leap from page to screen, and it’s going to happen very soon — in the fall finale on Dec. 2, to be specific. “There’s a new character added,” says Kirkman of episode 8. “A big deal fan favorite from the comic book is introduced into the show in this episode, so be on the lookout for that.”
《行尸走肉》第三季加入了很多原作漫画中的标志性角色。包括有Michonne、总督、丧尸Penny。据《行尸走肉》漫画作者兼任电视版的执行制作人的Robert Kirkman表示,该剧还会再增加漫画原著人物,而且这个角色我们很快快就会看到——这个角色具体会在12月2日(北京时间12月3日)《行尸走肉》第三季冬歇前的最后一集出现。说到《行尸走肉》第三季第八集的时候,Kirkman说:”我们会加入一个新角色,是在漫画原著中读者非常喜欢的角色,所以大家可以期待一下。”
Could it be Tyreese? “I don’t know, man!” says Kirkman. “I don’t know. I got no clue!” While Kirkman is playing coy, rumors have swirled that actor Chad Coleman has been spotted in the Atlanta area where the show films and could be playing the comic book fave.
被问到这个角色会不会是Tyreese?Kirkman说:“这我就不知道啦!”就在Kirkman卖关子的时候,有传言说男演员Chad Coleman最近来了《行尸走肉》的拍摄地亚特兰大,有可能会出演这个颇受读者喜爱的角色。