A Philadelphia college student has finally met his match – in a 16th century painting.
Max Galuppo, 20, posed with his doppelganger, a 16th century Italian painting, titled “Portrait of a Nobleman with Dueling Gauntlet。”
Max Galuppo of Temple University was walking around the Philadelphia Museum of Art with his girlfriend, Nikki Curtis, when Curtis spotted his doppelganger in the Italian artwork, titled “Portrait of a Nobleman with Dueling Gauntlet。”
“He was completely oblivious to it, and I walked past it and was like, 'Do you see this painting right now? It looks just like you,’” Curtis told ABC News。
Little is known about the artwork, except that it was painted in Emilia, Italy, in 1562.
Curtis told the Philadelphia Inquirer that the chance discovery has turned into “accidental genealogy project” for Galuppo, 20.
“His father's side of the family is actually from Florence, which is less than 10 miles from this Emilia,” explained Curtis, who posted the photo, now seen by thousands of people, on Reddit.com。
Some Reddit users have since offered to recreate the the 16th century duds for Galuppo. Others were in disbelief. “He does not look 400,” one user wrote. “Ask him, what does he eat?”