ATTENDING a full day of school then spending hours afterwards with a private tutor is a must in Taiwan, where students start 'cram schools' as early as elementary school so they can better their exam results and get into a prestigious high school or college.
上完一天的课之后花费数小时进行家教在台湾是必须的,学生早在小学就开始“填鸭式”教育,这样他们可以获得更好的考试成绩,并进入一所著名的高中或大学 。
Director Hou Chi Jan knows it all too well.
导演侯季然对这一切太熟悉不过了 。
He said he spent a copious amount of his adolescence on "Nanyang Street" - the Taipei street home to many cram schools.
他说他青少年的大部分时光都在“南阳街”度过——有着很多补习学校的台北街道 。
He has such vivid memories about the place, it became the backdrop to his new film, "When a Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep."
他对这个地方有如此生动的记忆,这成为了他新电影的背景,《当狼爱上羊》 。
"I think that (Nanyang) street is a place where dreams are lost. In reality, there's some sadness to it," Hou said. "I want to make a film about it, to give it some warmth. The story is about sweet young love and tells you whatever you lose, you'll get it back in other ways."
“我认为南阳街是一个梦想丢失的地方 。在现实中有一些悲伤,”侯说 。“我想制作一部关于它的电影,给它一些温暖 。这个故事是关于年轻人的甜蜜爱恋,告诉你不管丢失了什么,你总会从其他方面重新找回来 。”
In the film, Kai Ko plays "Tung," who goes to Nanyang Street to search for an ex-girlfriend who dumped him to go to cram school.
在影片中,柯震东饰演“阿东”,他要去南阳街寻找那个甩掉他去补习班前女友 。
He meets a quirky girl who loves drawing pictures of sheep on test papers. Tung draws a picture of a wolf to spark up a relationship.
他遇到了一个古怪的女孩,喜欢在试卷上画绵羊 。阿东画了一只狼来点燃爱情的火花 。
"When a Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep" will be released in Taiwan today and Hong Kong next week.
《当狼爱上羊》将于今天在台湾以及下周在香港上映 。