Did you hear all this hullabaloo about Justin Bieber's laptop being stolen? On Wednesday Bieber's computer was stolen during his concert. "yesterday during the show me and my tour manager josh had some stuff stolen. really sucks. people should respect other's property." Bieber said.
你有没有听到贾斯汀•比伯的笔记本电脑被盗的所有流言蜚语?比伯的电脑周三在他的演唱会上被偷 。“昨天在展会期间,我和我的巡演经理乔希有一些东西被偷 。真的很倒霉 。人们应该尊重他人财产,” 比伯说 。
But ho! This is not the end of the tale of the stolen electronics! The plot thickened on Thursday when a mysterious Twitterer going by the name of gexwy claimed to be the thief and started threatening to post private videos of Bieber online.
但是,呵!这不是这件电脑被盗事件的结束!周四情节加重了,当一个神秘的Twitter用户以gexwy的名字声称自己是小偷,并开始威胁要在网上发布比伯的私人视频 。
And that brings us to the present. Surprising no one, the big reveal wasn't a sex tape with Selena Gomez (I shudder at the thought) or footage of Bieber imbibing illicit substances. It was a new music video for his song "Beauty and A Beat" featuring Nicki Minaj. The whole thing was an elaborate prank! Oh, Biebs, you sneaky so-and-so. (Too bad your little Twitter exchange with Nicki sort of ruined the surprise.)
这就把我们带到了这里 。没有人大跌眼镜,大揭露不是和Selena Gomez的性爱录像(我不寒而栗的想)或者是比伯吸食非法物质的片段 。这是一个为他与Nicki Minaj的歌曲《美和节奏》录的新音乐视频 。整个事情是一个精心制作的恶作剧!哦,比伯,你的偷偷摸摸不咋样 。 (太糟糕了,你的小Twitter和Nicki的交流差点毁了这个惊喜 。)
At the strike of noon o'clock, Bieber tweeted, "since I was 14 I have had a lot of things said about me, from dying, to taking hormones, to dying again, to stuff about my family... to saying I had a baby with a woman I never even met. nude pics, drugs, my family, my character...but today...today I get to be in on it..." And then, whazham! "Beauty and A Beat" hit the web.
正午时比伯微博说,“自从我14岁以来,我有很多关于我的事情要说,从死亡、服用激素再到死亡,再到关于我家庭的事情...说我和一个我从来没有见过面的女人生了一个孩子 。裸照、嗑药,我的家人,我的性格......但今天...今天我将做这些事......”然后,哇塞! 《美和节奏》出现在网络 。
Keeping with the theme of his hoax. Bieber's video opens with a title card that reads, "In October of 2012 three hours of personal was stolen from musician Justin Bieber. The following footage was illegally uploaded by an anonymous blogger." We then follow Bieber to an elaborate pool party, complete with synchronized swimmers, glow sticks, and a water slide.
跟上他骗局的主题,比伯的视频录像打开一个标题卡,上面写着:在2012年10月音乐家贾斯汀比伯的三小时私人视频被盗,接下来画面被一个匿名博客非法上传 。然后,我们跟着比伯到了一个精心设计的泳池派对,全是花样游泳运动员、荧光棒和水滑梯 。
Hope you got your chuckle in, Justin, because you are now officially music's Boy Who Cried Wolf.
贾斯汀,希望你如愿在偷笑,因为你现在就是那个会叫狼来了的音乐男孩 。