Throughout Emmy history, there have been many winners that we didn't quite expect. Actors, actresses, and television shows that have inspired legitimate "Really?!" moments in the minds of the viewing public. Some of these shocks have been positive: underdog wins that we rooted for but never expected to actually happen. Many of them, however, are of the other variety: the "How could they possibly have given the Emmy to him/her/that show?!" variety. The variety that tends to induce unhealthy blood pressure levels in the more dedicated of fans.
艾美奖史上一直有许多我们没有预料到的获奖者 。最佳男主角、最佳女主角和最佳电视剧颁奖时那一刻在观众脑海中理所当然地会冒出“真的?!”想法 。其中有些震惊是正面的:我们压根没有期待的黑马真的出现了 。然而,他们中很多是另类,那种“怎么有可能把艾美奖颁给他/她/那部电视剧?!”的类型 。这种时候可能将在忠实粉丝中引起不健康的血压水平 。
While many Emmy wins historically have been shocking, there are a handful that rank above the rest. We've gathered a few of the most surprising Emmy victories from years past, making note of the alternative choices that everyone thought would win or that everyone hoped would win. Check it out!
虽然史上许多艾美奖一直是出人意料的,但也有少数在剩下的排名中领先 。我们收集了近几年一些最令人惊讶的艾美奖获奖者,他们取代了那些每个人都以为会赢或希望能赢的选择 。快来看看吧!
Katherine Heigl: Supporting Actress in a Drama for 'Grey's Anatomy' (2007)
'The Practice': Outstanding Drama Series (1999)
《律师本色》 :最佳剧情类电视剧(1999)
Richard Mulligan: Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for 'Empty Nest' (1989)
Ricky Gervais: Lead Actor in a Comedy for 'Extras' (2007)
Kyle Chandler: Lead Actor in a Drama for 'Friday Night Lights' (2011)
The 'Two of a Kind' Theme Song: Outstanding Music and Lyrics (1983)
'Picket Fences': Outstanding Drama Series (1994)
'The Red Skelton Show': Outstanding Comedy Series (1952)
《The Red Skelton Show》:最佳喜剧类电视剧(1952)
'Arrested Development': Outstanding Comedy Series (2004)
Jim Parsons: Lead Actor in a Comedy for 'The Big Bang Theory' (2011)
It wasn't so much who WON that was a shocker in 2011, but who lost. Steve Carell had just concluded his seven-season turn as 'The Office' star Michael Scott, and his final performance was tear-jerkingly poignant. How could he not win that Lead Actor in a Comedy Emmy? How?!
2011年让人震惊的不是谁赢了艾美奖最佳男主角,而是谁输了 。史蒂夫•卡瑞尔刚刚结束了 第七季《办公室》明星迈克尔•斯科特的转折,他最后的出场是赚人热泪的伤感 。他怎么能不赢艾美奖喜剧类最佳男主角呢?怎么能呢?