Can someone be beautiful and brainy at the same time?
Or is it that models or people who are physically attractive are not usually that smart? Does being more beautiful make you brainier, or does being brainy make you any less beautiful? According a recent research conducted in the US and UK, physically attractive men and women are much smarter than regular people. It goes on to say that attractive women have an IQ that is 11.4 points higher than average-looking women.
I don't buy that argument, because I feel their intelligence is because of them as people, not because of their pretty faces. We have all seen fantastic-looking women say the dumbest things. We have all heard Miss Universe contestants failing to answer questions that even five-year olds can. However, there are myriad of examples that prove that as a concept, beauty and brains can go hand in hand.
对此我无法苟同,因为我认为智慧是由“个体”决定的,而非得益于漂亮脸蛋儿。 大家都见过言谈粗俗的漂亮女人,也都听说过世界小姐候选人连5岁小孩都知道的问题也答不上来。不过,也有很多例子表明,美貌与智慧可以兼得。
1.Natalie Portman
She is a Harvard graduate. That's right, Harvard! Has contributed to scientific journals and even given a lecture on terrorism at Columbia. Wow! And she looks spectacular, doesn't she, and a phenomenal actress to top it.
2.Famke Janssen
The X-Men hottie graduated from Columbia in English literature and is also fluent in Dutch, German, English and French. Now that's a combination that is hard to beat.
3.Kate Beckinsale
This Vampire-butt-kicking beauty is not just a pretty face. She graduated from Oxford. When she was younger, she also won the W.H. Smith Young Writers award for her creative writing. She speaks French and Russian. Man, is she talented.