'The Dark Knight Rises' fended off competition by new releases to remain dominant for the third consecutive weekend.
《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)成功抵挡住了新片发起的挑战,连续第三个周末排在票房榜首位。
The film, from Time Warner Inc.'s TWX +1.75% Warner Bros. Pictures, grossed $36.4 million in its third week in theaters, bringing its cumulative domestic total to $354.6 million. Internationally, the movies has sold an $248.2 million in tickets.
时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)拍摄的这部影片在上映第三周获得3,640万美元的票房收入,其美国国内累计票房收入因此达到3.546亿美元。在国际市场,该片已经收获了2.482亿美元的票房。
The movie didn't face much in the way of competition. Sony Corp.'s 6758.TO -1.00% Columbia Pictures released a rebooted version of 'Total Recall,' starring Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel, and based on the 1990 science fiction film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. It grossed $26 million in North American theaters, according to early studio estimates.
《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》在卫冕之路上并没有遭遇强大竞争。索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下哥伦比亚电影公司(Columbia Pictures)发行的重拍片《全面回忆》(Total Recall)由科林・法瑞尔(Colin Farrell)、凯特・贝金赛尔(Kate Beckinsale)以及杰西卡・贝尔(Jessica Biel)主演。该片根据1990年阿诺德・施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)主演的同名科幻电影改编。据片方初步估计,该片在北美院线收获了2,600万美元的票房。
'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days' came in third, with $14.7 million in domestic box office receipts. The film, released by News Corp.'s NWSA +1.43% Twentieth Century Fox, is the third in the teen-oriented 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' series, based on books by Jeff Kinney. News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.
《小屁孩日记3》(Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days)以1,470万美元的美国国内票房收入排在第三。新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下二十世纪福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox)发行的这部影片是青少片系列《小屁孩日记》的第三部。这一系列影片根据杰夫・金尼(Jeff Kinney)的原作改编。新闻集团同时拥有《华尔街日报》。
'Ice Age: Continental Drift' took fourth place in its fourth weekend in theaters, earning $8.4 million, and bringing the cumulative domestic total for the animated film, also from Fox, to $131.9 million. Fox's 'The Watch' followed with $6.4 million in its second weekend in theaters, bringing its cumulative domestic total to $25.4 million.
《冰河世纪4:大陆漂移》(Ice Age: Continental Drift)在上映后的第四个周末以840万美元的票房收入排位第四。这部动画片的累计国内票房收入因此达到1.319亿美元。该片同样由二十世纪福克斯公司发行。福克斯发行的另一部影片《新邻里联防》(The Watch)在上映的第二个周末以640万美元的收入排在票房榜的第五位,该片的国内票房总收入达到2,540万美元。