Members of Bibobox Studio didn't expect a call from the Apple team.
But that's what happened after they created a series of squeaky animals including a penguin and giraffe for the iPad. "We tried to make the characters as lifelike, interactive and user-friendly as possible," said Liu Bo, a teacher from Dalian Nationalities University, and the chief director of Bibobox. "Our team pays close attention to the tiniest details."
The group's innovation and efforts captured the attention of Apple engineers.
Bibobox's 30-page interactive storybook Little Star won the student developer award at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), held June 11-15 in San Francisco, US.
6月11-15日于美国旧金山举行的"苹果全球开发者大会"(简称WWDC)上,Bibobox开发的30页交互书籍应用Little Star摘得学生类开发者大奖。
The team behind Little Star is made up of five students and two teachers from Liu's university. They are all design or computer engineering majors.
Little Star的背后是一支由五名学生和两名老师组成的团队,他们来自大连民族大学,均是设计或计算机专业出身。
It's the first time that a Chinese team has won a prize at the annual Apple Design Awards, since the awards began in 1996. According to Apple, the award is given to developers who match its own philosophy of good design, innovation and state-of-the-art hardware.
"Our design philosophy is very simple. We want children to think outside the box to reach an answer," Liu explained. "The point of our book is to provide children with methods and ideas for them to think creatively by themselves."
Little Star features a story of five friends on their journey to catch stars. After several failed attempts, they discover their shortcomings and weaknesses, and realize that the power of teamwork is the key to success.
《Little Star》讲述了五个好朋友一起踏上旅程去捉星星的故事。在几次失败的尝试后,他们终于发现了自身的不足和弱点,同时也意识到团队协作才是成功的关键。
"In our process of creating the app, teamwork also proved to be crucial," said Wang Kun, 22, a senior animation major who did the coloring.
"我们开发该应用程序的过程也证明了团队协作的重要性。" 22岁的王坤(音译)说。王坤是一名动画专业的大四学生,主要从事配色工作。
"It's important for designers and engineers to work together and get their ideas across." Wang said the team had a brainstorming session every week. At first, it was hard to communicate because they had different jargon and ideas.
"We then spent time together," Wang recalled. "As a result, engineers knew how to put our ideas into reality, and we designers understood how to respond to their needs."
The children are able to interact with the app in many ways, including touching to reveal different characters as well as using an accelerometer to shake the stars out of the sky.
Besides the exquisite and flawless design, the language was important.
Instead of Mandarin, Little Star was first launched in English. Then they added simplified Chinese and Cantonese versions.
《Little Star》初次发布时使用的是英语,而非中文。之后他们又增添了简体中文和粤语两个版本。
"We were thinking with a global mindset," said Maggie Li, a tutor who was in charge of translating the script. "From the outset our book was aimed at children around the world, not just those in China. Kids think the same universally."
"我们用全球性思维来考虑问题,"负责脚本翻译的玛吉•李 (音译)老师表示,"从一开始,我们电子书的目标人群就是全世界的儿童,并不仅仅是中国儿童。而孩子们的想法普遍相同,不分地域。"
Bi Wenting, 23, a classmate of Wang, said they spent almost a year creating the storybook. They did research at primary schools in Dalian, to find out if children liked their plotlines and characters.
Fluent English also helped the team promote itself at the conference. The representatives at the event exchanged ideas with fellow developers.
"Apple looked interested in our project," said Li. "We told them about our future plans, as well as Chinese app-developing and education-related markets."
"苹果公司看上去对我们的项目很感兴趣," 玛吉•李说。"我们向他们阐述了我们未来的计划,以及中国的应用程序开发及教育市场的情况。"
Bibobox is working on a successor to Little Star, and a series of apps to teach Chinese characters' etymology.
Bibobox正在开发《Little Star》后续产品,以及教授汉字词源的系列应用。
"We students also learnt a lot from sessions with videos available in English on Apple's website," said Wang. "And I've tried to share them with everyone interested in app developing. "
Eric Jou contributed to the story
Eric Jou对本文亦有贡献。