Marcus Agius is poised to resign as chairman of Barclays yestoday, in the hope that his departure will take the sting out of mounting criticism from politicians and shareholders over the bank's role in the price-fixing of interbank lending rates.
马库斯•阿吉斯(Marcus Agius)准备于今日辞去巴克莱(Barclays)董事长职务,以缓解政界人士和公司股东对该行在银行间拆借利率操纵案中所扮角色的不断高涨的批评声浪。
Mr Agius has been sharply criticised by investors over several issues during his five-year tenure as chairman – notably in 2008 when they felt he failed to protect their shareholder pre-emption rights by raising emergency financing from the Middle East, then by pushing through last year's generous pay deal for chief executive Bob Diamond.
阿吉斯在五年任期中因多个问题受到公司股东的尖锐批评--2008年阿吉斯从中东引入紧急援助资金的做法被公司股东认为是未能保障其优先购股权,此外,去年阿吉斯还力主通过了为首席执行官鲍勃•戴蒙德(Bob Diamond)提供的慷慨薪酬方案。
It is unclear whether the bank has a firm replacement yet lined up, though Sir Michael Rake, the bank's senior independent director, may take over as chairman himself on a temporary basis, or alternatively ask Sir John Sutherland, the former Cadbury chairman, or Alison Carnwath, who heads the remuneration committee, to assume the role, according to people close to the situation.
目前尚不清楚巴克莱是否已确定董事长的继任人选,但知情人士表示,该行资深独立董事利万基爵士(Sir Michael Rake)可能会暂时接任董事长,曾任吉百利(Cadbury)董事长的约翰•萨瑟兰爵士(Sir John Sutherland)和巴克莱董事会薪酬委员会主席埃里森•卡恩沃思(Alison Carnwath)也是可能人选。
Barclays last week paid a record £290m to UK and US regulators for submitting fraudulent bids to the process for setting the London interbank offered rate, which is the reference point for $360tn in contracts worldwide. The bank admitted that its traders sought to manipulate the rates and that it also understated its borrowing costs during the financial crisis because it believed other banks were doing the same.
Mr Diamond is already set to face a grilling over the scandal by parliament's Treasury select committee on Wednesday, and new details emerged yesterday about his personal involvement with setting of the Libor rate.
戴蒙德将于周三就利率操纵丑闻接受英国下议院财政部特别委员会(House of Commons Treasury Select Committee)的质询。此外,昨日还有关于戴蒙德个人参与Libor设定过程的新细节传出。
In 2008, Mr Diamond spoke to Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England, about Barclays' submissions to the Libor process. When word of that conversation was passed down, managers at the bank "mistakenly" believed they had been granted permission to submit artificially low estimates.
2008年,戴蒙德向英国央行(BoE)副行长保罗•塔克(Paul Tucker)汇报了巴克莱在Libor设定过程中的报价情况。当有关此次谈话的消息在巴克莱内部传开时,该行管理层"错误地"认为自己已获准提交人为压低的拆借利率报价。
The conversation is described without names in the official UK and US settlement documents from last week's fine. They say a senior BoE official asked a senior Barclays manager on October 29 2008, why Barclays' Libor submissions were higher than those of other banks.
Three people familiar with the contents confirmed that the call was between Mr Diamond and Mr Tucker, who heads the BoE's financial stability arm.
After their conversation, lower-level Barclays' officials told the employees who submitted the bank's Libor estimates to lower their bids because they "believed mistakenly that they were operating under an instruction from the Bank of England (as conveyed by senior management) to reduce Barclays' Libor submissions", according to the UK Financial Services Authority's description of what happened.