HTC will be allowed to continue exporting its newest phone to the US in spite of an attempt by Apple to keep some of its handsets out of the country during a long-running patent dispute between the two groups.
The US International Trade Commission will continue to investigate whether some of the Taiwanese group's phones are violating an Apple-owned patent but the US group's unsuccessful attempt to immediately halt imports of the phones represents a small victory for HTC, according to analysts.
HTC's sales have been slipping, and any delay in the US to the launch of its latest models would have brought them into more direct competition with new phones expected from Samsung and Apple this year.
Technology companies are increasingly turning to courts to halt sales or force redesigns of competitors' devices, alleging patent infringements. Patent fights between Apple and groups including HTC and Samsung, which make handsets using Google's rival Android operating system, are particularly fierce.
Android is the most popular operating system for smartphones, while Apple's iPhone system trails in second place, according to data from ComScore.
The ferocity of the courtroom fights is creating "a lot of uncertainty" for companies and investors, said CK Cheng, an analyst with CLSA in Taipei. "At least for now, lots of people are talking about how it's a flawed patent system in the US but unfortunately that's the reality there," said Mr Cheng.
里昂证券(CLSA)常驻台北的分析师郑兆刚(CK Cheng)表示,法庭内的激烈交锋正给企业和投资者带来“大量不确定性”。郑兆刚表示:“至少就目前而言,很多人都在谈论美国的专利制度如何存在缺陷,而不幸的是,那里的现实情况正是如此。”
In its case against HTC, Apple argued that HTC's phones were continuing to violate a previous order that HTC remodel parts of the phones' software to avoid infringing an Apple patent.
Apple had asked the trade commission to keep HTC's phones, including its new flagship One X model, out of the US. The trade commission declined on the grounds that it could not yet determine whether or not the phones complied with the prior order. Some HTC phones were earlier this year held up by US customs due to the ongoing fight with Apple.
苹果此前请求ITC禁止宏达电的手机(包括其新款旗舰产品One X手机)进入美国。但ITC拒绝了这一请求,理由是它尚未确定相关手机是否遵守了此前的命令。与苹果之间持续的法律战,曾在今年早些时候导致宏达电的某些手机被美国海关扣押。
In late May, HTC said its shipments had been cleared after customs determined they were not violating the Californian company's patent. HTC still faces additional disputes over intellectual property in addition to the ongoing investigation into whether HTC is still violating Apple's patent. Nokia last month launched cases against HTC and BlackBerry maker RIM.