双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第14章 Part 6
日期:2012-06-08 14:39


Mrs Blimber was now quite sure that Paul was the oddest child in the world; and when she told the Doctor what had passed, the Doctor did not controvert his wife's opinion. But he said, as he had said before, when Paul first came, that study would do much; and he also said, as he had said on that occasion, 'Bring him on, Cornelia! Bring him on!'
Cornelia had always brought him on as vigorously as she could; and Paul had had a hard life of it. But over and above the getting through his tasks, he had long had another purpose always present to him, and to which he still held fast. It was, to be a gentle, useful, quiet little fellow, always striving to secure the love and attachment of the rest; and though he was yet often to be seen at his old post on the stairs, or watching the waves and clouds from his solitary window, he was oftener found, too, among the other boys, modestly rendering them some little voluntary service. Thus it came to pass, that even among those rigid and absorbed young anchorites, who mortified themselves beneath the roof of Doctor Blimber, Paul was an object of general interest; a fragile little plaything that they all liked, and that no one would have thought of treating roughly. But he could not change his nature, or rewrite the analysis; and so they all agreed that Dombey was old-fashioned.
There were some immunities, however, attaching to the character enjoyed by no one else. They could have better spared a newer-fashioned child, and that alone was much. When the others only bowed to Doctor Blimber and family on retiring for the night, Paul would stretch out his morsel of a hand, and boldly shake the Doctor's; also Mrs Blimber's; also Cornelia's. If anybody was to be begged off from impending punishment, Paul was always the delegate. The weak-eyed young man himself had once consulted him, in reference to a little breakage of glass and china. And it was darKly rumoured that the butler, regarding him with favour such as that stern man had never shown before to mortal boy, had sometimes mingled porter with his table-beer to make him strong.
Over and above these extensive privileges, Paul had free right of entry to Mr Feeder's room, from which apartment he had twice led Mr Toots into the open air in a state of faintness, consequent on an unsuccessful attempt to smoke a very blunt cigar: one of a bundle which that young gentleman had covertly purchased on the shingle from a most desperate smuggler, who had acknowledged, in confidence, that two hundred pounds was the price set upon his head, dead or alive, by the Custom House. It was a snug room, Mr Feeder's, with his bed in another little room inside of it; and a flute, which Mr Feeder couldn't play yet, but was going to make a point of learning, he said, hanging up over the fireplace. There were some books in it, too, and a fishing-rod; for Mr Feeder said he should certainly make a point of learning to fish, when he could find time. Mr Feeder had amassed, with similar intentions, a beautiful little curly secondhand key-bugle, a chess-board and men, a Spanish Grammar, a set of sketching materials, and a pair of boxing-gloves. The art of self-defence Mr Feeder said he should undoubtedly make a point of learning, as he considered it the duty of every man to do; for it might lead to the protection of a female in distress. But Mr Feeder's great possession was a large green jar of snuff, which Mr Toots had brought down as a present, at the close of the last vacation; and for which he had paid a high price, having been the genuine property of the Prince Regent. Neither Mr Toots nor Mr Feeder could partake of this or any other snuff, even in the most stinted and moderate degree, without being seized with convulsions of sneezing. Nevertheless it was their great delight to moisten a box-full with cold tea, stir it up on a piece of parchment with a paper-knife, and devote themselves to its consumption then and there. In the course of which cramming of their noses, they endured surprising torments with the constancy of martyrs: and, drinking table-beer at intervals, felt all the glories of dissipation.
To little Paul sitting silent in their company, and by the side of his chief patron, Mr Toots, there was a dread charm in these reckless occasions: and when Mr Feeder spoke of the dark mysteries of London, and told Mr Toots that he was going to observe it himself closely in all its ramifications in the approaching holidays, and for that purpose had made arrangements to board with two old maiden ladies at Peckham, Paul regarded him as if he were the hero of some book of travels or wild adventure, and was almost afraid of such a slashing person.


注释:secure adj. 安全的;无虑的;有把握的;稳当的
vt. 保护;弄到;招致;缚住
vi. 获得安全;船抛锚;停止工作
[ 比较级securer 最高级securest 过去式secured 过去分词secured 现在分词securing ]
adj. security 安全的;保安的;保密的
secured 有担保的
securer 安全的;可靠的(secure的比较级形式)

adv. securely 安全地;牢固地;安心地;有把握地

n. security 安全;保证;证券;抵押品
securer 看守;保卫者;保证者

v. secured 担保(secure的过去式);保卫
(1) This is not a secure state.
(2) The server should be stored in a secure room.
(3) All of these tools are secure in that the information that is exchanged is encrypted.
(4) So what can you do to change your attachment style if you are not secure?
(5) Those that do not will be more isolated and less secure.
(6) This column will help you learn how to write secure applications.
(7) This is a secure investment.
(8) That would give us all a pretty secure base on which to attempt to build our own happiness.
(9) You must find a secure way to store and retrieve the sensitive credential information.

board n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食
vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿
vi. 寄宿
on board在船上;到船上;上船;上火车或飞机
chopping board案板;砧板;切菜板;擀面桌
circuit board[电] 电路板;[电] 线路板;电路板设计与制造;有一份画电板
drawing board绘图板;画板;画图板;制图板
board expenses伙食费
Executive Board执行委员会;董事会;执行董事会;执行理事会
supervisory board监事会;监控板;监督董事会;监督委员会
adj. boarding 供膳的

n. boarding 木板;寄膳宿;上船
boarder 寄膳者;寄膳宿者;寄宿生

v. boarding 用木板遮住;收费为…供膳(board的ing形式)
(1) The board split in half.
(2) He referred the dispute to the board of directors.
(3) They railroaded the plan through the board of directors.
(4) The boy pounded the nails into the board.
(5) He becomes the chairman of your board.
(6) But what are some of the reasons to have women on your board?
(7) This can help the other board members ... learn what not to do.
(8) He posted a bulletin on the board.

  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分
  • snugadj. 温暖舒适的,合身的,安全的 v. 使整洁干净,
  • distressn. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸 vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼 a
  • bulletinn. 公示,公报,新闻快报,期刊 vt. 发表,用公告通
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • fluten. 长笛 vi. 吹长笛,发出笛声 vt. 制或刻垂直
  • controvertv. 议论,辩驳,驳击
  • secureadj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的 vt. 固定,获得,使
  • constancyn. 坚定不移,恒久不变,忠诚