双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第14章 Part 4
日期:2012-06-04 16:56


Dombey didn't seem to be absolutely blinded by the light let in upon his intellect, but he made Miss Blimber a little bow.
'"Analysis,"' resumed Miss Blimber, casting her eye over the paper, '"of the character of P. Dombey." I find that the natural capacity of Dombey is extremely good; and that his general disposition to study may be stated in an equal ratio. Thus, taking eight as our standard and highest number, I find these qualities in Dombey stated each at six three-fourths!'
Miss Blimber paused to see how Paul received this news. Being undecided whether six three-fourths meant six pounds fifteen, or sixpence three farthings, or six foot three, or three quarters past six, or six somethings that he hadn't learnt yet, with three unknown something elses over, Paul rubbed his hands and looked straight at Miss Blimber. It happened to answer as well as anything else he could have done; and Cornelia proceeded.
'"Violence two. Selfishness two. Inclination to low company, as evinced in the case of a person named Glubb, originally seven, but since reduced. Gentlemanly demeanour four, and improving with advancing years." Now what I particularly wish to call your attention to, Dombey, is the general observation at the close of this analysis.'
Paul set himself to follow it with great care.
'"It may be generally observed of Dombey,"' said Miss Blimber, reading in a loud voice, and at every second word directing her spectacles towards the little figure before her: '"that his abilities and inclinations are good, and that he has made as much progress as under the circumstances could have been expected. But it is to be lamented of this young gentleman that he is singular (what is usually termed old-fashioned) in his character and conduct, and that, without presenting anything in either which distinctly calls for reprobation, he is often very unlike other young gentlemen of his age and social position." Now, Dombey,' said Miss Blimber, laying down the paper, 'do you understand that?'
'I think I do, Ma'am,' said Paul.
注释:disposition n. 处置;[心理] 性情;[军] 部署;倾向
adj. disposable 可任意处理的;可自由使用的;用完即可丢弃的
disposed 有…倾向的;打算做…的;有某种健康状态的

n. disposal 处理;支配;清理;安排
dispose 处置;性情

v. disposed 处理;配置;使适应(dispose的过去分词);使有倾向

vi. dispose 处理;安排;(能够)决定

vt. dispose 处理;处置;安排
disposition effect处置效应;处分效果;错位效应;处分效应
foreclosure disposition扣押抵债处置
psychological disposition心理倾向
Plant disposition植物配置
disposition flaw性格缺陷
personal disposition个人秉赋;人倾向
file disposition文件安置
secondary disposition次要性格
mental disposition心理倾向
(1) She has a good disposition.
(2) She has shown no abnormality in intelligence or in disposition.
(3) The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition.
这对孪生兄弟外貌很相像, 但性格却相差很大。
(4) We have hardly a trait, desire or disposition that is the same across all circumstances.
(5) We hold the goods at your disposition.
(6) Seek out those with an upbeat disposition – you’ll find it is infectious.
(7) Methodology of withdrawal, including disposition of assets.

spectacle n. 精彩的表演;奇特的现象;出人意外的情况
adj.spectacled 戴了眼镜的;有眼镜状斑纹的
adv. spectacularly 壮观地;引人注目地

词组:spectacle stone透石膏
spectacle plate双孔板;双孔钣;吊柱眼板
Spectacle cases眼镜盒
spectacle screw眼镜螺丝
protecting spectacle防护眼镜
Spectacle Mechanisms眼镜构造
natural spectacle自然奇观
(1) A curious spectacle was witnessed.
(2) It was really an absurd spectacle.
(3) The crowd was dazzled by the spectacle.
(4) The city after the earthquake was a terrible spectacle.
(5) It is a spectacle, for everyone. I do not care about that.
(6) Many of the new projects, however, actually skip the spectacle of doomsday.
(7) The marvelous spectacle being famed for steep valley would be lost forever.
(8) I need to buy new spectacle frames but I will keep the old lenses.
我需要买新的眼镜框, 不过我会留着旧镜片。
(9) The woman serving tea in the conference room almost fainted at the spectacle.

  • dazzledadj. 目眩的;眼花撩乱的 v. (使)眼花(dazz
  • disposaln. 处理,处置,布置,配置 n. 垃圾粉碎机
  • disposedadj. 愿意的,想干的,有 ... 倾向的 动词dis
  • traitn. 特点,特征,特性,一笔,少量
  • unknownadj. 未知的,不出名的
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • bown. 弓 n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头 v. 鞠躬,成弓形,
  • distinctlyadv. 清楚地,显然地,明显地
  • mentaladj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的 n. 精神病患者
  • singularadj. 个人的,单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的 n.