双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第13章 Part 9
日期:2012-05-22 15:26


'Mr Carker,' he said, addressing himself to the Manager. 'Indeed, indeed, this is my fault solely. In a kind of heedlessness, for which I cannot blame myself enough, I have, I have no doubt, mentioned Mr Carker the Junior much oftener than was necessary; and have allowed his name sometimes to slip through my lips, when it was against your expressed wish. But it has been my own mistake, Sir. We have never exchanged one word upon the subject - very few, indeed, on any subject. And it has not been,' added Walter, after a moment's pause, 'all heedlessness on my part,Sir; for I have felt an interest in Mr Carker ever since I have been here, and have hardly been able to help speaking of him sometimes, when I have thought of him so much!'
Walter said this from his soul, and with the very breath of honour. For he looked upon the bowed head, and the downcast eyes, and upraised hand, and thought, 'I have felt it; and why should I not avow it in behalf of this unfriended, broken man!'
'It is no service to me,' said the brother. 'It only leads to such a conversation as the present, which I need not say I could have well spared. No one can be a better friend to me:' he spoke here very distinctly, as if he would impress it upon Walter: 'than in forgetting me, and leaving me to go my way, unquestioned and unnoticed.'
'Your memory not being retentive, Gay, of what you are told by others,' said Mr Carker the Manager, warming himself with great and increased satisfaction, 'I thought it well that you should be told this from the best authority,' nodding towards his brother. 'You are not likely to forget it now, I hope. That's all, Gay. You can go.
“别人对您说的话您是记不住的,盖伊,”经理卡克先生感到极为满意,心情兴奋起来,“所以我想应当让最有权威的人来对您说这一点,”这时他向他的哥哥点了点头,“我希望现在您不至于再把这忘掉了吧。这就是我要说的一切。盖伊。 您可以走了。”
Walter passed out at the door, and was about to close it after him, when, hearing the voices of the brothers again, and also the mention of his own name, he stood irresolutely, with his hand upon the lock, and the door ajar, uncertain whether to return or go away. In this position he could not help overhearing what followed.

注释:slipvi. 滑动;滑倒;犯错;失足;减退
vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开
n. 滑,滑倒;片,纸片;错误;下跌;事故
adj. 滑动的;有活结的;活络的
[ 过去式slipped 或slip 过去分词slipped 现在分词slipping ]
slip ring[电] 滑环;[电] 集流器;[电] 滑动环;[电] 集电环
call slip索书单;借书单;请拨单;借书证
slip form[建] 滑模;活动板模;滑动模板
slip bolt伸缩螺栓;滑动螺栓;滑闩;锁门栓
slip flow滑流;滑移流
slip agent光滑剂;滑爽剂;滑动助剂
dip slip倾向滑距;倾向滑动
Slip Sheet滑托板;薄衬纸;纸滑板;滑托盘
slip surface滑动面;滑面;滑移面;滑裂面
(1) You might slip!
(2) Profits continue to slip this year.
(3) She fumbled her purse which contained the address slip.
(4) Prices continue to slip in Japan.
(5) Carol Thatcher said of the slip-up: "I almost fell off my chair.
(6) We are too close to allow success to slip through our fingers.
(7) The floor is wet! You might slip!
(8) Slip into a chair or remain upright, and sway back and forth.
(9) Time, money, and patience all slip away.
(10) My father handed over the slip of paper Abrahim had given him.

go away走开
go out away from远离
Go Far Away千里迢迢
Go all away全部离去
go-away money遣散费
go go away离开
go whichle away to economic集中精力把经济建设搞上去
Let me go far away让我越走越远
go sailing away and away航行得很远很远
go far away from home远离家乡
(1) Now go away.
(2) She ignored him and told him to go away.
(3) If you center your life on you career, it can go away.
(4) Go away, and play on the stairs till father and mother be ready!
(5) “People ask the price and go away without buying anything, ” he complains.
“人们只是来问问价格,也不买就走开了。” 他抱怨说。
(6) But - will you go away, Angel, please, and never come any more?
(7) He is so big and ugly.Go away!
他是如此的大和丑。 走开!

  • satisfactionn. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信
  • slipv. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,滑脱 n. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,失
  • authorityn. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • swayv. 摇摆,摇动,支配,影响 n. 摇摆,动摇,支配
  • distinctlyadv. 清楚地,显然地,明显地
  • faultn. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层 vt.
  • uncertainadj. 不确定的
  • patiencen. 耐心,忍耐,毅力 n. 单人玩的牌戏
  • downcastadj. 气馁的,悲哀的,垂下的