扎克伯格结婚了! Facebook CEO迎娶华裔新娘
日期:2012-05-21 10:21
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg wed longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan on Saturday, announcing the nuptials through a status update on the social networking site.
The 28-year-old billionaire's wedding took place a day after Facebook's initial public offering on the Nasdaq stock exchange on Friday.
北京时间5月20日消息,在Facebook上市仅一天之后,该公司创始人兼CEO马克-扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)今天将其Facebook主页状态更新为“已婚”,宣布与恋爱9年的华裔女友普莉希拉-陈(Priscilla Chan)结为夫妻。
