Looks like the queen of England isn't the only one having a diamond jubilee these days.
Kim Kardashian was sporting an especially sparkly accessory while leaving a Christian Louboutin boutique in Miami Beach today—a huge gemstone ring.
金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)于24日在离开位于迈阿密海滩的克里斯提·鲁布托(Christian Louboutin)精品店时,亮出了一件能闪瞎眼的配饰。
Interestingly, Kanye West's main squeeze was snapped wearing the bauble on her right pinky finger. And we know that doesn't signify anything except a flair for endowing the littlest part of her hand with statement jewelry.
有趣的是,坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)的女友金被拍到小指上戴着戒指。我们知道那并不代表什么,只代表她喜欢在最小的手指上戴超大的珠宝。
Though the rumor mill would love to differ, a source tells E! News that Kim and Kanye are not engaged.
Kim, who's now back to shooting Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, spent her 32nd birthday with her beau in Venice, part of a whirlwind trip to Italy that started in Rome and also touched down in Florence.
金现在已回归《金和考特妮的迈阿密之行》(Kourtney and Kim Take Miami)。她在威尼斯和恋人度过了她的32岁生日,这也是她意大利旋风行的一部分。这次旅行从罗马开始,还在佛罗伦萨做了短暂停留。
"What a romantic weekend! One I'll never forget," Kim blogged yesterday.