Hugh Grant makes an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in an episode airing Friday (April 27).
The 51-year-old actor chatted about fatherhood and his daughter, Tabitha. "It's very nice. I can't pretend it wasn't a little bit of a surprise but, it's a very nice surprise. In fact, the baby's name in Chinese — because her mother is Chinese — means 'happy surprise,'" Hugh told Ellen. Asked what the name is, Hugh revealed, "Jingxi. It's one of the baby's names."
"It's surprising that everyone was right all these years. Saying 'Hugh, why don't you have some children. It changes your life.' And, you're thinking, oh shut-up. And now that I have [a child] it is life changing," he added. "I recommend it. Get some."
51岁的英国演员休·格兰特近日参加了《艾伦秀》( The Ellen DeGeneres Show)的录制。在节目上,他表示,女儿的出生给他带去了许多改变。由于女儿是中英混血,所以除了有了个英文名“Tabitha”之外,他还为女儿取了个特别的中文名:惊喜(Jingxi)。
不过,休·格兰特和孩子妈妈——前任中国女友Tinglan Hong(洪婷兰)在孩子出生前就已和平分手,并就孩子的抚养权问题达成协议。休·格兰特有着英伦情人的美誉,代表作包括《四个婚礼一个葬礼》、《诺丁山》、《BJ单身日记》等爱情轻喜剧片。