双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第12章 Part 10
日期:2012-04-24 15:36


Paul had sunk into a sweet sleep, and dreamed that he was walking hand in hand with Florence through beautiful gardens, when they came to a large sunflower which suddenly expanded itself into a gong, and began to sound. Opening his eyes, he found that it was a dark, windy morning, with a drizzling rain: and that the real gong was giving dreadful note of preparation, down in the hall.
So he got up directly, and found Briggs with hardly any eyes, for nightmare and grief had made his face puffy, putting his boots on: while Tozer stood shivering and rubbing his shoulders in a very bad humour. Poor Paul couldn't dress himself easily, not being used to it, and asked them if they would have the goodness to tie some strings for him; but as Briggs merely said 'Bother!' and Tozer, 'Oh yes!' he went down when he was otherwise ready, to the next storey, where he saw a pretty young woman in leather gloves, cleaning a stove. The young woman seemed surprised at his appearance, and asked him where his mother was. When Paul told her she was dead, she took her gloves off, and did what he wanted; and furthermore rubbed his hands to warm them; and gave him a kiss; and told him whenever he wanted anything of that sort - meaning in the dressing way - to ask for 'Melia; which Paul, thanking her very much, said he certainly would. He then proceeded softly on his journey downstairs, towards the room in which the young gentlemen resumed their studies, when, passing by a door that stood ajar, a voice from within cried, 'Is that Dombey?' On Paul replying, 'Yes, Ma'am:' for he knew the voice to be Miss Blimber's: Miss Blimber said, 'Come in, Dombey.' And in he went. Miss Blimber presented exactly the appearance she had presented yesterday, except that she wore a shawl. Her little light curls were as crisp as ever, and she had already her spectacles on, which made Paul wonder whether she went to bed in them. She had a cool little sitting-room of her own up there, with some books in it, and no fire But Miss Blimber was never cold, and never sleepy.
Now, Dombey,' said Miss Blimber, 'I am going out for a constitutional.'
Paul wondered what that was, and why she didn't send the footman out to get it in such unfavourable weather. But he made no observation on the subject: his attention being devoted to a little pile of new books, on which Miss Blimber appeared to have been recently engaged.
'These are yours, Dombey,' said Miss Blimber.

注释:furthermoreadv. 此外;而且
(1) Furthermore, he hoped not to be disturbed.
(2) Furthermore, if something is true, it must be true for a reason.
(3) Furthermore, there are several ways to deliver hydrogen to vehicles.
(4) Furthermore, the older they got, the bigger the mortality gap became.
(5) Furthermore, we should ensure to utilize more effectively foreign capital.
(6) Furthermore, some researchers began to study the scale up of this technology.
(7) Furthermore, 60% of India's labour force is engaged in low productivity farming.
(8)Furthermore, I will argue, these imbalances are the result of a "fear of deficits".

bookn. 书籍;卷;帐簿;名册;工作簿
vt. 预订;登记

(1) Sells a book, sells a chair.
(2) I have a brown book and brown ball.
(3) Please show me your hairstyle book.
(4) Is this an English book?
(5) Her book is the definitive work on Milton.
(6) But what about book publishers and writers?
(7) Tommy finds a book in the attic of his house.
(8) So every book in the catalog has a title card.

  • mortalityn. 必死的命运,死亡数目,死亡率
  • atticn. 阁楼
  • utilizevt. 利用
  • effectivelyadv. 事实上,有效地
  • hydrogenn. 氢
  • gongn. 锣 n. 奖章
  • constitutionaladj. 宪法的,合乎宪法的,体质的,组成的 n. 散步
  • stoven. 炉子,火炉窑;烘房;【主英】温室
  • scalen. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围 v. 依比例决定,攀登
  • merelyadv. 仅仅,只不过