双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 4
日期:2012-03-19 14:09


'Ten years,' croaked the unsympathetic Pipchin, with a frosty glistening of her hard grey eye, and a dreary shaking of her bent head, 'is a long time.'
'It depends on circumstances, returned Mr Dombey; 'at all events, Mrs Pipchin, my son is six years old, and there is no doubt, I fear, that in his studies he is behind many children of his age - or his youth,' said Mr Dombey, quickly answering what he mistrusted was a shrewd twinkle of the frosty eye, 'his youth is a more appropriate expression. Now, Mrs Pipchin, instead of being behind his peers, my son ought to be before them; far before them. There is an eminence ready for him to mount upon. There is nothing of chance or doubt in the course before my son. His way in life was clear and prepared, and marked out before he existed. The education of such a young gentleman must not be delayed. It must not be left imperfect. It must be very steadily and seriously undertaken, Mrs Pipchin.'
'Well, Sir,' said Mrs Pipchin, 'I can say nothing to the contrary.'
'I was quite sure, Mrs Pipchin,' returned Mr Dombey, approvingly, 'that a person of your good sense could not, and would not.'
'There is a great deal of nonsense - and worse - talked about young people not being pressed too hard at first, and being tempted on, and all the rest of it, Sir,' said Mrs Pipchin, impatiently rubbing her hooked nose. 'It never was thought of in my time, and it has no business to be thought of now. My opinion is "keep 'em at it".'
'My good madam,' returned Mr Dombey, 'you have not acquired your reputation undeservedly; and I beg you to believe, Mrs Pipchin, that I am more than satisfied with your excellent system of management, and shall have the greatest pleasure in commending it whenever my poor commendation - ' Mr Dombey's loftiness when he affected to disparage his own importance, passed all bounds - 'can be of any service. I have been thinking of Doctor Blimber's, Mrs Pipchin.'
'My neighbour, Sir?' said Mrs Pipchin. 'I believe the Doctor's is an excellent establishment. I've heard that it's very strictly conducted, and there is nothing but learning going on from morning to night.'
'And it's very expensive,' added Mr Dombey.
'And it's very expensive, Sir,' returned Mrs Pipchin, catching at the fact, as if in omitting that, she had omitted one of its leading merits.
注释perfect adj. 完美的;最好的;精通的
vt. 使完美;使熟练
n. 完成式

perfect oneself in 精通;熟练;完全掌握
perfect for 应用范围;对…是完美的
perfect harmony 水乳交融;完美无谐波;十分和谐
perfect market 完全市场
perfect man 完美无缺的人
perfect day 天气极好
perfect balance 理想均衡
perfect condition 理想状态
present perfect [语]现在完成时
perfect competition 完全(自由)竞争
perfect circle 完整的圆圈;正圆
perfect state 理想状态
perfect form 完成式;完全型;正确几何形状
perfect gas 理想气体;完美气体
present perfect tense 现在完成式
perfect stranger 完全不认识的人
perfect weather 极好的天气
past perfect (动词的)过去完成时
perfect number 完全数
past perfect tense 过去完成时
(1) This be a perfect safety play .
(2) Then life would be perfect.
(3) You look perfect in that hair style.
(4) Nothing is perfect, it seems to say.
(5) To an economist, of course, this all makes perfect sense.
(6) Since God is conceived to be omnipotent , He is a perfect being.
(7) In common parlance, it is the perfect soldier, the "eternal sentry".
(8) Rewrite the following sentences using the Present Perfect Passive Voice .
(9) The need to prepare Mr Obama's 2012 election campaign gives him the perfect excuse.
(10) Then, write a quick summary of the conversation and why you are perfect for the job.

night n. 夜晚,晚上;黑暗,黑夜
adj. 夜晚的,夜间的

at night 在夜里
last night 昨晚
in the night 在夜里
by night adv. 在夜里
all night 整夜
every night 每个夜晚
into the night 入夜;直到夜里
good night 晚安,再见
night sky 夜天
the night before 前一天晚上
night after night 一夜又一夜
late at night 在深夜;深更半夜
from morning till night 从早到晚
night and day 日以继夜地
tomorrow night 明天晚上
the other night 前两天的夜里;不久前的一个夜晚
all night long 整夜,通宵
late night 深夜
night vision 夜视;微光摄像电视
night out 节日的夜晚;外出的一夜
(1) It is night when they wake up.
(2) Can I pay for one night first?
(3) A bad day never has a good night.
(4) At night I have no energy.
(5) Night descends quickly in the tropics.
(6) One night, Joseph had a strange dream.
(7) I warn you not to go out alone at night.
(8) I made your birthday cake last night, too.

  • reputationn. 声誉,好名声
  • summaryn. 摘要 adj. 概要的,简略的
  • contraryadj. 相反的,截然不同的 adv. 相反(地) n.
  • strictlyadv. 严格地
  • appropriateadj. 适当的,相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用
  • harmonyn. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和
  • passiveadj. 被动的,消极的 n. 被动性
  • drearyadj. 沉闷的,令人沮丧的,情绪低落的
  • unsympatheticadj. 不表同情的,无情的,不共鸣的
  • eternaladj. 永久的,永恒的 n. 永恒的事