双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 5
日期:2012-03-01 14:22


In fulfilment of his promise, the Major afterwards called on Mr Dombey; and Mr Dombey, having referred to the army list, afterwards called on the Major. Then the Major called at Mr Dombey's house in town; and came down again, in the same coach as Mr Dombey. In short, Mr Dombey and the Major got on uncommonly well together, and uncommonly fast: and Mr Dombey observed of the Major, to his sister, that besides being quite a military man he was really something more, as he had a very admirable idea of the importance of things unconnected with his own profession.
At length Mr Dombey, bringing down Miss Tox and Mrs Chick to see the children, and finding the Major again at Brighton, invited him to dinner at the Bedford, and complimented Miss Tox highly, beforehand, on her neighbour and acquaintance.
Notwithstanding the palpitation of the heart which these allusions occasioned her, they were anything but disagreeable to Miss Tox, as they enabled her to be extremely interesting, and to manifest an occasional incoherence and distraction which she was not at all unwilling to display. The Major gave her abundant opportunities of exhibiting this emotion: being profuse in his complaints, at dinner, of her desertion of him and Princess's Place: and as he appeared to derive great enjoyment from making them, they all got on very well.
None the worse on account of the Major taking charge of the whole conversation, and showing as great an appetite in that respect as in regard of the various dainties on the table, among which he may be almost said to have wallowed: greatly to the aggravation of his inflammatory tendencies. Mr Dombey's habitual silence and reserve yielding readily to this usurpation, the Major felt that he was coming out and shining: and in the flow of spirits thus engendered, rang such an infinite number of new changes on his own name that he quite astonished himself. In a word, they were all very well pleased. The Major was considered to possess an inexhaustible fund of conversation; and when he took a late farewell,after a long rubber, Mr Dombey again complimented the blushing Miss Tox on her neighbour and acquaintance.
But all the way home to his own hotel, the Major incessantly said to himself, and of himself, 'Sly, Sir - sly, Sir - de-vil-ish sly!' And when he got there, sat down in a chair, and fell into a silent fit of laughter, with which he was sometimes seized, and which was always particularly awful. It held him so long on this occasion that the dark servant, who stood watching him at a distance, but dared not for his life approach, twice or thrice gave him over for lost. His whole form, but especially his face and head, dilated beyond all former experience; and presented to the dark man's view, nothing but a heaving mass of indigo. At length he burst into a violent paroxysm of coughing, and when that was a little better burst into such ejaculations as the following:

'Would you, Ma'am, would you? Mrs Dombey, eh, Ma'am? I think not, Ma'am. Not while Joe B. can put a spoke in your wheel, Ma'am. J. B.'s even with you now, Ma'am. He isn't altogether bowled out, yet, Sir, isn't Bagstock. She's deep, Sir, deep, but Josh is deeper. Wide awake is old Joe - broad awake, and staring, Sir!' There was no doubt of this last assertion being true, and to a very fearful extent; as it continued to be during the greater part of that night, which the Major chiefly passed in similar exclamations, diversified with fits of coughing and choking that startled the whole house.
注释seize vt. 抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕
vi. 抓住;利用;(机器)卡住
[ 过去式seized 过去分词seized 现在分词seizing ]

seize the opportunity 抓住机遇,抓住机会
seize opportunities 抓住机遇;把握时机
seize the day 把握今天
seize the moment 把握时机;抓住机会;把握此刻;活在当下
seize on 抓住;占有
seize up 失灵;中止;(机器)卡住
seize the present 抓住现在(歌词)
seize hold of v. 抓住;占领
seize upon 抓住,利用
seize any opportunity 无孔不入;把握任何机遇
(1) Seize reason in your own hand.
(2) A plan was afoot to seize power.
(3) Seize each golden minute.
(4) He failed to seize the opportunity .
(5) I must seize the day, seize the hour.
(6) We should try to seize the opportunity.
(7) And we must seize this moment and deliver.
(8) It is time to seize your inner "mode" girl.

pass n. 及格;经过;护照;途径;[体]传球
vi. 经过;传递;变化;终止
vt. 通过;经过;传递

pass through 穿过…;通过…
come to pass 实现;发生
pass on 传递;继续;去世
pass by 经过;走过;逝去
pass the time 打发时间;消磨时光
pass away 去世;停止;度过时间
pass judgment (与 on, upon 连用) 下判决;定案
pass the buck 推卸责任
pass over 越过;忽略;宽恕;回避
pass for 冒充,假扮;被认为
pass muster 符合要求;合格
pass filter 过滤器
low pass 低通;低通量;低传球
pass between 二人之间交换(言语,手势,暗号等)
boarding pass n. 登机证
pass the test 通过测试;经受住考验;试验合格
percent of pass 合格率,通过率
pass water 小便
mountain pass 隘口,山口
pass into 逐渐变成;考进
(1) Pass me the green one, please.
(2) I might pass, and I might fail.
(3) Can I pass it on to someone else?
(4) Can you pass me the glue?
(5) Air will pass through the wet cloth.
(6) Lastly is the Long pass.
(7) Most seem to only read to pass exams.
(8) Can you cut the cake and pass it around?

  • militaryadj. 军事的 n. 军队
  • unwillingadj. 不愿意的
  • massn. 块,大量,众多 adj. 群众的,大规模的 v.
  • acquaintancen. 熟人,相识,了解
  • wheeln. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转 vi. 旋转,转动
  • assertionn. 断言,主张
  • manifestn. 载货单,运货单,旅客名单 adj. 显然的,明白的
  • possessvt. 持有,支配
  • inexhaustibleadj. 用不完的,无穷的,不知疲倦的
  • moden. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴 n. [音乐]