Ni Lu takes things one step at a time. "It's most realistic to set yourself targets for the next three or five years — longer periods of time you can't control," the Shanghai girl says.
Ms Ni's short-to-medium term goals include working less, travelling a lot; finding a man to marry and having a baby.
With her ambitious agenda, the 24-year-old office worker at Shanda, an internet company, is an emblem of China's young generation. Markedly different from their parents and grandparents, under-30s in the world's most populous nation have grown up in a relatively stable society and experienced increasing, if modest, prosperity, so they have certain expectations.
"These people have what I call middle class anxiety," says Li Chunling, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science in Beijing. "They all strive for a decent standard of living which makes other people respect them."
这些人患有我所说的中产阶级焦虑症,位于北京的中国社科院(Chinese Academy of Social Science)研究员李春玲说道。他们都追求高品质的生活,想让其他人尊敬自己。
It is a familiar picture.
As continuously growing demand makes China the world's largest market for everything from mobile phones to cars, and as the country develops a voracious appetite for luxury goods, the plans and expectations of young people also seem increasingly to resemble those of their western peers: and, it seems, they share the same status symbols and desires.
But the path to realising these seemingly simple dreams in China is very different from what it might be in Europe or America.
China's society and economy are changing rapidly. The countryside is urbanising at a dizzying speed, the job market is being transformed overnight, and the media and entertainment landscape is undergoing sweeping changes.
While these conditions offer many opportunities to strike it rich, they also create huge hurdles for young people to attain their desired state of a middle class goal.
"As a result, they feel a lot of pressure," explains Mr Li.
To be sure, the lives of the young can differ vastly, depending on whether they were born in a big city or in the countryside and whether they come from an affluent or well-connected family or a simple peasant household.
Mr Li says: "It is broadly felt that one's family background is an increasingly important factor in one's future, that social mobility is somewhat decreasing in China."
But what young people across all social groups share is the expectation of a good life and the sobering realisation that getting there can require a rather uncomfortable struggle, if it does not turn out to be impossible altogether.
"For young people in the cities, a home is probably the biggest issue," says Wang Xiaodong, a researcher at the China Youth Research Centre. "Property prices are too high," he says.
对于城市中的年轻人而言,房子或许是最大的问题。中国青少年研究中心(China Youth Research Centre)研究员王晓东表示,房价太高。
For young men and women who grew up in a small town or village, making a fresh start often seems easy.
Especially in the poorest rural regions, the young increasingly leave school early to go to the more developed coastal regions to work there.
"At the beginning, I was dazzled that I'd have my own cash every month," says Zhuo Hong, a 25-year-old from Sichuan, one of China's most populous western provinces. He left his rural home at 15 to work in a factory in Dongguan, an export manufacturing hub close to Hong Kong.
But Mr Zhuo now finds it hard to get by. He has been saving his wages for marriage, but he is no longer sure he wants to go back to the village where all the young people have left, where the roads are muddy and where there is no work.
Staying in Dongguan would be difficult too, because he does not earn enough to buy a flat there. "But I'm too old to start again, so maybe I made the wrong decision 10 years ago," he says.
Those younger than him who leave the countryside now often do not wish to work in a factory. "They can't eat bitterness," says Mr Zhuo, using a common expression for enduring hardship.
Many younger migrant workers try to find jobs in the service industries instead of construction and factories.
Although young people in cities have more options, they often share the same sense of confusion. "I don't know in what direction the future will take me, I haven't thought about that thoroughly," says Ms Ni.
She has taken up religion, something unthinkable in Maoist China a few decades ago. Once a month, she visits the Jing'an Temple in Shanghai to "have a chat with the Buddha. I think it's a good thing when people have some faith."