1 Gaga羽毛帽
Jimmy Kimmel Live July 28, 2011
Our obsession with fascinators may have ended with the royal wedding but that didn't stop Lady Gaga from wearing this feathered hat that spells out Gaga, made by none other than designer Philip Treacy of Princess Beatrice fame.
随着威廉王子和凯特皇室婚姻的落幕,我们对各种奇葩般的帽子秀已经见怪不怪了,但Lady Gaga拗出来的造型还是让人大跌眼镜。在脱口秀现场,她戴着一顶帽子,羽毛拼出了Gaga的字样,这种点子也只有设计师菲利普·崔西能想得出来了。
2 透明硅胶裙
The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards; Feb. 13, 2011
After making her grand entrance in the egg that would be talked about for days, the singer picked up a slew of awards and switched to an outfit that showed off some of her other assets.We sure hope that latex didn't chafe.
Lady Gaga破蛋而出的现身方式已经足够让人们议论很多天。在颁奖典礼现场,她赢得了一大堆奖项,还换了一身装备,秀出了别样风采。我们真心希望她衣服上的硅胶别被擦破了。
3 肉片装
MTV Video Music Awards; Sept. 12, 2010
Gaga wore this "meat dress" designed by Franc Fernandez to accept the award for Video of the Year. Who says performance art can't appeal to the meat-and-potatoes crowd?
Gaga穿着一身由Franc Fernandez设计的肉片装来领她的年度最佳音乐录影带奖。谁说行为艺术不能吸引芸芸众生?
【注】meat-and-potatoes是一句非正式谚语,表示事物最重要或最基本的部分(the most important or basic parts of something),笔者用在这里是一语双关的幽默。
4 头顶棉花糖·三层蛋糕裙
The Brit Awards; Feb. 16, 2010
Gaga or toilet brush holder?
5 内衣外穿·雷人面纱
13th Annual ACE Awards, New York; Nov. 2, 2009
Yes, Madonna did the brassiere as outerwear decades ago, but leave it to Lady Gaga to give it a new twist... and a veil.
数十年之前,麦当娜曾经内衣外穿过,但是换到Lady Gaga翻新了此种穿法,还多罩了一张面纱。
6 未来感阿玛尼礼服
2010 Grammy Awards: Arrival; January 31, 2010
For her stroll down the red carpet, she took us out of this world in a fantastical ensemble custom-designed by Giorgio Armani.
当Lady Gaga走在红地毯上时,她用一套未来感极强的衣服把我们瞬间带离地球。这套衣服是乔治· 阿玛尼为她量身订做的。
7 遮面红蕾丝
MTV Video Music Awards; Sept. 13, 2009
Gaga accepted her VMA for Best New Artist in a head-to-thigh lace outfit only to pull off her mask to thank "God and the guys."
8 鸟巢羽毛头饰
MTV Video Music Awards; Sept. 13, 2009
It may be hard to see Gaga in this elaborate feather headpiece, but who else could pull off such an avant-garde look? The pop diva kept the rest of her outfit relatively demure in this slinky Jean Paul Gaultier sequin dress.
戴着这么一个羽毛头饰,你可能很难认出她是Gaga,不过除了她还有谁会挑战如此前卫的造型呢?这位流行女王穿着Jean Paul Gaultier设计的紧身亮片裙,头饰之外的整体装扮还是比较端庄的。
9 青蛙服
Germany; July 20, 2009
The world's collective suspicion that Lady Gaga had descended from Janice the Muppet changed from "likely" to "probable" after she showed up for a German talk show interview swathed in a Kermit the Frog dress from French designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac.
Lady Gaga在德国的一个脱口秀采访节目中,一件由法国的Jean-Charles de Castelbajac设计的,被满满的青蛙科密特缠绕着的衣服。这件事让全世界对Lady Gaga是布偶Janice后代的集体怀疑进一步加重了。
10 泡泡裙
Atlanta; April 9, 2009
Lady Gaga's signature look, the bubble dress, is "entirely inspired by a Hussein Chalayan piece," says the singer. "The original dress is in a museum in London and worth millions of dollars. I created the 'Bubble 3000' with [her design team] Haus of Gaga, using a Thierry Mugler Lucite corset and plastic spheres."
Lady Gaga的标志性装扮泡泡裙,据她所说,完全是受设计师Hussein Chalayan的一件杰作的启发,我们在伦敦的一个博物馆里,发现了那条值得借鉴的价值上百美元裙子。我和Haus of Gaga(她的设计团队)一起,用了一件Thierry Mugler的透明合成树脂紧身衣,还有很多个塑料球,创造了这条泡泡3000。