One of four baby Asian small-clawed otters is seen at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. Born just three weeks ago to parents Simon and Sophie, the pups are nursing and will open their eyes in about a week.
。它们是Simon和Sophie的孩子,刚刚生下来三周 。现在这些小家伙正被精心照顾,预计一周内它们就能睁开眼睛了 。Asian small-clawed otters live in the rivers, creeks, estuaries and coastal waters of Southeast Asia, from northern India to southeastern China, the Malay Peninsula and parts of Indonesia. SeaWorld breeds the otters as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium's Species Survival Plan, which aims to preserve, in zoos and aquariums, animals that are threatened or endangered in the wild.
。作为动物园与水族馆动物保护计划的一部分,奥兰多水上世界正帮助繁衍并照顾这些水獭,该计划旨在通过动物园和水族馆保护世界濒危动物 。SeaWorld animal trainers in Orlando have their hands full with four baby Asian small-clawed otters.
亚洲小爪水獭(学名Aonyx cinerea),是一种小型水獭
。主要分布于孟加拉国、印度、中国、印度支那、马来半岛、印度尼西亚和菲律宾等地区的湿地附近 。亚洲小爪水獭一般体长0.9米(包括尾巴),体重可达5公斤 。以鱼、蛙、蟹、螯虾和贝类为食 。