Twitter Stocking 微博裤袜
There is this stereotypical image of geeky women as being boring, reclusive, career oriented types but this is just a myth, in reality, they do multitask, head for parties on weekends and they do splurge a lot on exclusive signature styles. The geeky chics who are always on social networking sites will simply love to sport these FOLLOW ME Twitter Tattoo Stockings for weekend outing or party. These thigh high white socks seem to be inspired by the most popular social networking site Twitter, the twitter birdie and the words 'follow me' printed on the stockings are so deceptive that they almost seem to be tattooed on the long legs. These stockings will surely draw a lot of attention and people will 'follow' more out of curiosity.
人们通常认为宅女是无聊,自闭的事业型女人,但事实并不尽然,宅女们身兼多职,她们既组织周末聚会也喜爱购买名牌产品。这些新潮女人们无时无刻不是挂在社交网站上,因此周末的约会或聚会上,她们兴高采烈地穿上有“关注我”标志的裤袜。这些白色高筒紧身裤袜的创意来自于最火爆的社交网站Twitter,这标志性的小鸟图案和字样“follow me”仿佛是她们腿上的纹身。无疑,这些裤袜会吸引不少注意力,引得好奇的人们纷纷关注。
Projector Ring 投影戒指
This cool geeky ring was created by Luke Jerram and jeweler Tamrakar for Jerram's wedding to Shelina Nanji. Inside the ring there are tinyphotographic portraits of the couple. When you shine a light through the ring, it projects the images out like a tiny projector.
这枚炫酷戒指是Luke Jerram和宝石商Tamrakar为了新人Jerram和Shelina Nanji的婚礼而特别订制。戒指上特制了这对新婚燕尔的微型照片。像个小型投影仪一样,当你拿着戒指对准阳光,它就会映出他们的甜蜜照片。
Tetris Bracelet 俄罗斯方块手镯
This Tetris Bracelet is a great geeky accessory to add to your collection. It can be teamed up with any casual outfit to look trendy yet geeky. It costs $70 and it's a little pricey for a bracelet.
Keyboard Cufflinks 键盘袖扣
These cufflinks are one of those accessories that are definitely subtle enough to be considered fashionable— who really stares at cufflinks? From insert/delete buttons to @ keys to escape, these silver links are sure to add a touch of chic to any geek!
Lego Purse 乐高积木手袋
This Lego Pouch really fits well within the realm of acceptable geeky accessories. On this sweet little purse (mighty useful when you don't want to take a whole bag), the building blocks manage to look cool.
VideoGame Shoes 电子游戏鞋
You can add another nerdy accessory to your wardrobe with these shoes that have custom painted video game scenes on it. Most of the shoes are about old school games like Tetris, Pacman, Mario and Zelda. But if none of these styles catch your fancy, you can even have a pair made with your own video game design.
Pi Necklace π项链
The Pi Necklace has all the digits of the nerd numbers out to 100 decimal places (yes, someone counted them!). Show your geek pride with numbers.
8-Bit Watch 8位图形手表
This Icon Watch is a simple, clean design that celebrates the days of 8-bit graphics. While the watch was designed by Japanese design firm & design back in 2005, it only recently became available for purchase at MOMA. They only sell the black and white version, but a white-on-white version is also in production.
PowerBook Earrings PowerBook电脑耳环
How about some cool DIY earrings? These recycled PowerBook earrings fall somewhere in between solving all of our e-waste problems and showing that recycling can be geek chic.
Pac-Man Necklace 吃豆子项链
If geeky yet fabulous jewelery is your thing, look no further. Check out this necklace / pendant by Rachel Pfeffer that's very unique. The design features a dangling Pac-Man munching on some hanging pearls. This piece of jewelery is very adorable and no Pac-Man fan will want to overlook it. Have Pac-Man munch away on pearls around your neck.
如果你想找到一款新潮的珠宝首饰,不用四处苦寻了,来看看Rachel Pfeffer的这款独一无二的项链。这款项链的独到之处就在于这个悬挂下来的吃豆人正在咀嚼吊着的珍珠呢。吃豆子游戏的忠实粉丝可千万不能错过这款可爱饰品啊。
Circuit Board Business Card Holder 电路名片盒
Trying to stand out to potential clients? Next time you give them your contact information, whip out your Circuit Board business card holder, and you're sure to make a lasting impression!
My Document Laptop Sleeve 文件夹电脑包
What could be more geeky than this My Document Laptop Sleeve, styled like a My Documents folder? The My Document Laptop Sleeve is made from Neoprene, and measures 38cm (L) 32.5cm (W) and 2.5cm (D) and it even has its own pixilated cursor on the front!