If you're trying to lose weight at the moment, then you're probably wondering how many calories you should be eating every day in order to be losing the weight that you aim to. This article will help for you to work out just how many calories that should be, and how to work out how much you should be eating each and every day.
The most important thing to remember is that not the same amount of calories works the same for everybody. Some people can eat thousands of calories more than others and still not put any weight on. You need to firstly work out your BMR. This is basically the amount of calories that you would use on a daily basis if you were in a coma and you didn't have to do any exercise of movement at all every day. If you work out what yours is, then you should remember that this is the minimum amount of food each day that you need in order to survive.
Any other exercise that you do during the day, if you take this number of calories, then you will be burning fat each and every day by doing all of the other exercise that you do during the course of an average day.
You should be aware that you should never go below 1,200 calories per day, as this means that your body may go into starvation mode because the amount of calories that you're putting into your body is nowhere near the amount that you need in order to complete your daily business. This could be incredibly counter productive, as your body might go into starvation mode and therefore try to hold on to any of the fat that you already have instead of burning it like you should be doing. Ironically, eating just a little extra food might just work a lot better for you then eat no food at all while you're trying to lose weight.
You should keep close track of your weight with regards to the amount of calories that you’re eating. You don't want to gain weight, but at the same time you don't want to lose too much either as you probably won't be able to keep it up once you reach your goal weight. If you take all of these tips into account then you should find that you are able to lose a fair amount of weight and then keep it up at the end of the journey.