What came first, the chicken or the egg?
The egg. Final answer. As the geneticist Haldane remarked, "The most frequently asked question is: 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?' The fact that it is still asked proves either that many people have never been taught the theory of evolution or that they don't believe it." With that in mind, the answer becomes obvious. Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg--laid by a reptile.
Can anything live forever?
Yes. We are proud to introduce: the immortal jellyfish. What makes the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula so special is that once it reproduces, it doesn't die, but transforms itself back into its juvenile polyp state. Their adult cells and the whole organism becomes "young" again. Barring any sea-borne dangers, there is no biological reason why it can't live forever.
What are the chances of a coin landing on heads?
It isn't fifty-fifty. If the coin is heads up to begin with, it's more likely to land on heads. Students at Standford University recorded thousands of coin tosses with high-speed cameras and discovered the chances are approximately fifty-one to forty-nine.
抛硬币的概率并不是50比50. 如果硬币是头朝上往上抛,那么很有可能掉下来时也是头朝上。斯坦福大学的学生们用高速摄像机拍下了数千次抛硬币的过程,发现头朝上和字朝上的概率大约为51比49.
How much does a cloud weigh?
A lot. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, an average cumulus cloud weighs about 100 elephants, while a big storm cloud tips the scales at 200,000 elephants.
What's so great about the golden ratio?
Every Dan Brown fan has heard of this mysterious figure that crops up everywhere—in the human body, in ancient architecture, in the natural world--and whose appeal nobody can explain. The truth is it doesn't appear in most of the places it's supposed to, and many of the claims about it are false.
The Greeks knew about the golden ratio, and the Parthenon is the usual example given of its use in architecture. But any diagrams showing how its side or front elevations demonstrate a "golden rectangle" always either include some empty air at the top or leave out some steps at the bottom.
What color are oranges?
That depends. In many countries, oranges are green, even when ripe, and are sold that way in shops. Oranges were first grown in Southeast Asia. There were green there then, and today they still are. Vietnamese and Thai oranges are bright green on the outside and orange only on the inside.