一床被子两种温度 夫妻同床"抢被子"将成历史
日期:2011-08-27 18:08


Squabbling over the covers can be enough to test even the strongest of relationships. But an invention has gone on sale which promises to end duvet wars for good. 据英国《每日邮报》8月25日报道,夫妻为被子争吵虽是小事,却也足以考验感情的牢固性。但是,一项新上市的发明或许能永久地结束“羽绒被之争”。

Because bedding experts have designed a split-warmth quilt which is thicker on one side than the other. 床上用品专家们设计出了一床具有“双重温度”的被子,一半薄一半厚。

The Two Tog, which is made in a Lancashire mill, is believed to be the first in which the quilt comes in one piece. 这款名为Two Tog的羽绒被是由位于兰开夏郡的一家工厂设计,它首次实现了一床被子、两种温度的效果。

It means cold fishes can snuggle down under the cozier side, while their hot-blooded partners can choose the lighter option. 这意味着怕冷的一方可以舒服地蜷缩在更保温一边,而他们的另一半,如果很怕热,就可以选择睡在被子比较轻薄的另一边。

The result could be a good night’s sleep for millions of couples. 这或许会让成千上万的伴侣们睡个好觉。

Jessica Alexander, of the Sleep Council, said: "Sharing a bed is considered to be the norm in Western society and good for relationships and good for intimacy, but it is not necessarily good for sleep. Everybody has different body temperatures and clothing requirements and so sharing a bed can be quite a challenge." 英国睡眠委员会的杰西卡•亚历山大说:“西方社会把夫妻双方共用一床被子视作一种规范,他们认为这有利于促进夫妻关系,使其更亲密,但这对睡眠并没有什么好处。每个人的体温不同,对保温的需求就不同,所以共用一床被子就有点挑战性。”

Almost half of those questioned by the Sleep Council said they were woken up six times a night by their partner. Snoring topped the list of complaints but "hogging the bed clothes" came a close second. 根据睡眠委员会所做的问卷调查,近半数的人表示,一晚上他们能被另一半吵醒6次,虽然“打鼾”位列原因榜首,但“对方把被子卷走”也紧跟其后。

The Two Tog duvets are filled with Hungarian goose down and are available in summer and winter versions. Prices start at £140. Two Tog羽绒被内填充的是匈牙利鹅毛,现出售夏季和冬季两种款式,起价为140英镑。

Despite the two thicknesses, the makers say the duvet looks no different to any other once the bed is made up. 虽然该羽绒被的两边厚度不同,但制造商表示,一旦将其叠好,就看不出它与普通被子有什么区别。

  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • normn. 标准,规范
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • quiltn. 被子,被状物 vt. 缝被,缝制,用垫料填塞 vi
  • intimacyn. 亲密,隐私
  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • milln. 磨坊,磨粉机,工厂 v. 碾碎,磨,(使)乱转
  • inventionn. 发明,发明物,虚构,虚构物
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战