No.1 克罗地亚美女:阳光的诱惑
Croatia Beauty - the temptation of the sun
The sun rises quietly from the sea of Opatija, uncovering the dark harbour, which is the dream I cherished al night. O, Opatija, God love you - the daughter of the Adriatic Sea.
No.2 俄罗斯美女:恶魔的诱惑
Russian beauty - the temptation of the devil
Russia is undoubtedly a place full of beauties. People who went there were always unpected to see "stunningly beautiful ladies walking on the street".
No.3 西班牙美女:不羁的诱惑
Spanish beauty - the temptation of uninhibited
Speaking of Spain, except for dynamic hot in the Primera Liga, we have to admit that it is also a good place rich in beauty. If mentioning the Spanish beauty, you would immediately think of Tom Cruise's former girlfriend Penilo Puck Lutz, with Spainish uninhibited wild beauty, the smooth and glossy hair, the Erotic eyes , and sexy red lips. She entered the film on a shine, just because of her stunning beauty.
No.4 荷兰美女:开放的诱惑
Holland Beauty - the temptation of boldness
girls in Amsterdam, Netherlands are more open towards sex, and some of them are willing to have sex with the other as long as he can let her hitch a ride, or ask her to drink. Young people in this area almost every week have a party, the participants wearing exposedly. Some girls, if someone asked her a drink, she would present their own bodies.
No.5 意大利美女:上帝的诱惑
Italian beauty - God's temptation
There is a popular saying: "God is an Italian."
No.6 德国美女:多样的诱惑
German beauty - temptation of variety
German women are wide in variety. If you insist to see some sexy coquettish women, you might as well take a look at those in the famous red-light district.
No.7 捷克美女:恬静的诱惑
The Czech beauty -the temptation of quietness
In this city, the women's romance and tenderness seemed to be deep-rooted, which makes the women here have a special charm.
No.8 丹麦美女:多情的诱惑
不知是“美人鱼”完美的艺术形象和安徒生童话魅力的感染,还是受地理和自然环境的影响,丹麦的女人们不仅高大,皮肤白皙,而且个个美丽异常,作为海的女儿,她们无疑是世界上最令人神往的美女之一 。
Danish beauty - the temptation of sentiment
Nobody knows whether this is due to the image of "Little Mermaid" or being infected by the charm of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, or even the impact of geography and natural environment, the Danish women were not only tall, fair-skinned, but also beautiful and unusual, as the daughter of the sea.They are undoubtedly the one of world's most fascinating beauties.
No.9 土耳其美女:神秘的诱惑
Turkish beauty - the lure of mystery
Men and women are always charming. If you can only use one word to describe this, it must be - intoxicated.
No.10 瑞典美女:魔力的诱惑
Sweden beauty - the temptation of magic
"Miss World" was born in 1951 and the Swede Jiji Ha Kong Sen-wise took the first crown. In the past 50 years, five Swedish beauties have won the crown.