It's never a good idea to withhold information from your loved ones, even with the purest of motives. As we see in soaps, people often think they're doing someone else a favor by going it alone, or protecting them from unpleasant truths, but it always blows up in their faces. In real life, secrets isolate us, make us miserable, and sometimes ruin relationships completely. Besides, isn't it more respectful to allow your loved one to decide what to do with the facts, rather than taking away their power?
One trait soap characters have that I really admire is an almost infinite capacity to fall in love, and to risk everything to keep that love. It may seem reckless, but what's really nice about this attitude is the emphasis on feeling something as you go through life, not simply plodding along. Why not live passionately when there's so much happiness potentially waiting in the wings?
Ever notice how soap characters continually get stuck in the same rut? It's so frustrating. Their oblivious behavior reminds me to question the daily decisions I make in my own life and make sure I'm learning from past experiences. Thank goodness in the real world we have the option to change our behavior by adapting and growing after making mistakes—it makes successful relationships that much easier.
Even worse than keeping secrets is to bald-face lie to someone in your life. On the soap opera I watch, the characters feel no shame telling whoppers to each other to get what they want. The lies build one on top of the next, until the next thing you know. Who wants a situation to come to that? It's better to tell the truth right from the start.
Fidelity doesn't seem to be a big concern for soap characters. For all the passion, the protestations of undying love, these characters simply can't keep their eyes from wandering. The way they hop from bed to bed on the flimsiest excuse. In our real lives, such drama and conflict are exhausting and cheating can ruin relationships. But of course, happy, successful marriages on soaps wouldn't be all that entertaining for us in the audience to watch!
So much misery could be avoided on soaps if only they stopped themselves for a moment, took a breath, and counted to ten before taking action, good or bad. Likewise, when someone in our own lives sets us off, it can be tempting to blow up and behave rashly—whether it's declaring undying love or throwing down the gauntlet with an enemy. Yet if we just press the "pause" button on our emotions, taking time to mull over our choices, many crises can be defused.
In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another, accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations. The lesson is simple: If you have sensitive news, be careful that it lands in the right ears--and no one else's.