日期:2011-09-20 08:51


With all of her effects created in-camera using the refraction of light and movement in different depths of water, Christy Lee Rogers creates pictures that look like Baroque paintings without the help of Photoshop. Her obsession with water as a medium coupled with her dedication to photography as an artistic medium, makes her work truly stand out.

采用独门秘籍,在不同深度的水中利用光影的折射制造出各种效果,克里斯蒂 李·罗杰在没有Photoshop的帮助的情况下,创作出了看似巴洛克风格画作的照片。她对以水为载体创作的痴迷辅以她对摄影艺术全身心的投入,使得她的作品真正地出类拔萃。

Her subjects are wrapped in fabric, bathing in darkness. The water allows the bodies and fabric to move slowly and fluidly. Rogers shoots in swimming pools at night and her sessions can last two to four hours. The night's natural darkness helps her achieve the black background she needs to surround her subjects in.


In this latest collection she calls Odyssey, Rogers explores such grand themes as birth, life and death. "The story of Odyssey exists in clumps of ideas and energy, griping emotions and the simplicity of truth beyond words," she explains to us. "Like Homer's epic Odyssey, life is an exciting and tumultuous adventure filled with thrilling characters to meet along the way. But metaphorically, Odyssey is a much bigger story than that, where the attributes and abilities of mankind soar to an unseen, indescribable level."


More than anything, Rogers wanted to impart a sense of wonder and tranquility, to provide a bit of solace from our hectic, everyday lives. In addition she says, "The work of an artist lies in manifesting their inner world externally, so you are also experiencing my quest for the answers to life and the knowledge that's contained in and around it."



"a sense of wonder and tranquility"的汉语意思是什么?



  • soarvi. 翱翔,高飞,猛增,高涨,高耸 n. 翱翔,高飞的
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • adventuren. 冒险,奇遇 vt. 冒险,尝试 vi. 大胆进行,
  • obsessionn. 困扰,沉迷,着魔,妄想
  • containedadj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制
  • epicn. 史诗,叙事诗 adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的,宏大的,
  • impartvt. 传授,赋予,告知
  • fabricn. 织物,结构,构造 vt. 构筑
  • questn. 探索,寻求 v. 寻找,搜索
  • tranquilityn. 宁静,平静,稳定