Legend has it that Bram Stoker used this castle as the home for Dracula. There were actually several castles around Romania who claimed to be the rightful home of Dracula but Bran Castle gave themselves the nickname “Dracula’s Castle” first and have reaped the benefits since.
传说呢Bram Stoker用这个城堡来保存吸血鬼。事实上确实围绕着这个古堡还有几个古堡被人们认为是吸血鬼的巢穴,不过Bran古堡自从给周围的古堡取名作”吸血鬼城堡“后也占尽了旅游业便宜。
The first of our haunted castles – Tamworth Castle is haunted by the Black Lady and the White Lady, both of whom are seen or heard regularly on the castle grounds. The Black Lady is believed to be the spirit of a nun called Editha, who was summoned from her grave by the angry prayers of nuns who had been expelled by a nearby convent. The White Lady is said to have thrown herself from the building after finding out her love had been killed in battle.
Berry Pomeroy is said to be the most haunted castle in the UK and has its very own White Lady. This one’s background though is a lot more depressing than that of Tamworth’s. The White Lady of Berry Pomeroy is believed to be the ghost of Lady Margaret Pomeroy who was starved to death by her evil sister Lady Eleanor.
Berry Pomeroy据称是英国最为鬼魅的城堡了,而且它也有自己的幽灵——白女王。这一位幽灵的身世背景和上一位相比更为压抑,这位白女王被自己的姐姐Eleanor在城堡内活活饿死。
Edinburgh Castle is situated in one of the most haunted cities in Europe and it is itself haunted by some rather interesting spirits. The faint sound of drums are often heard by visitors although not many people have seen the drummer for themselves. The drummer is believed to be the ghost of a headless boy who reveals himself before the castle is attacked.
In 1829 the then current owner of the castle, Sir John Hay Williams, discovered human bones near one of the chimneys. He ordered the restoration to carry on and so it was rebuilt around the bones. Since then whispering ghosts have been heard, shadowy figures have been spotted and phantom soldiers have also been seen, all of which contributed to pushing Bodelwyddan Castle to the top of the most haunted castles in the world at one stage.
在1829年这个城堡的主人John Hay Williams在城堡的烟囱部位发现了人骨头。但即使如此,他还是命令恢复古堡的工作不能停止,随后就围绕人骨建造了城堡。自从那时候开始,总会有低声细语,人影和幽灵出现在城堡内,这一切都成为了使城堡成为全球最诡异城堡的推力。
In 1639 the kitchen collapsed into the sea below, taking several servants to their deaths. Today, visitors report of feeling cold chills in certains parts of the castle, while employees at the gift shop often report of books being moved and radios mysertiously turning themselves on.
Moosham Castle is now known as Witches Castle because of its bloody past. This castle saw the terrible deaths of thousands of young women who were accused of being witches, then tortured and killed.
Dating back to 1274, Predjama also has quite a bloody history. Legend has it a notorious robber baron from the 15th century escaped the revenge of the Holy Roman Emperor with his family and they settled in this castle. When found the castle, along with the family, was destroyed.
Another castle from England labelled as the most haunted in the UK. The main ghost that people have spotted seems to be the Blue Boy. He seems to like hanging out in the Pink Room the most as that’s where most sightings have happened.
The castle was bought by the Tinney family in 1956 and it was adored by Harold Tinney. Nowadays his ghost is said to roam the building still unable to part with his beloved home.