For generations, the division of labor was clear-cut. Fathers were breadwinners, mothers were chiefly in charge of the children, and if anyone had to leave work to take Junior to a doctor's appointment or attend a parent-teacher conference, it wasn't likely to be Dad.
Times change. A nationwide survey in late May found that more than half (56%) of employed fathers say they frequently take time off for child-related tasks --markedly more than the 40% of mothers who report doing likewise.
Employers haven't quite caught on yet, it seems. About two-thirds (68%) of dads with jobs say they've experienced "negativity or problems" with bosses over conflicts between work and children. Of those, 57% say this has happened "multiple times."
"The American workforce is different than it was even five years ago," observes Dean Debnam, CEO of Workplace Options, an employee training consultancy based in Raleigh, N.C., which conducted the poll.
位于美国北卡罗来纳州首府罗利市,从事员工培训的咨询公司Workplace Options(WPO)开展了这项调查。该公司的首席执行官丁• 戴伯南说:“现在美国的劳动力就算跟5年前比起来也有很大不同”。
For one thing, he notes, the Census Bureau counts 2.3 million U.S. households where fathers are raising kids alone. Added to the majority of families where both parents work full-time, "the pressure for fathers to succeed both as professionals and as parents is greater than ever."
他指出,原因之一是据人口普查局(Census Bureau)统计,目前有230万户美国家庭由父亲独自抚养子女。此外,大多数美国家庭中,父母双方均从事全职工作。“父亲既要在事业上取得成功,又要兼顾家庭,他们所承受的压力空前沉重。”