Endless Summer followed Californian longboarders Mike Hynson and Robert August chasing summer around the world, surfing in Africa, Australia, New Zealand and strange backwash waves in Tahiti.
Highlight: Discovering Cape Saint Francis, also known as ‘Bruce’s Beauties‘ in South Africa. Hynson and August rode seemingly endless, perfect right handers down the point. All the more important now that the wave no longer breaks as it did in the movie due to large scale development on the nearby dunes.
《无尽之夏》(The Endless Summer)(或译为《漫长夏日》),1966年两个来自加州的年轻人,罗伯特·奥古斯特(Robert August)和迈克·汉森(Mike Hynson),为了找到他们心目中完美的海浪而进行了一次环球旅行。他们的足迹遍布夏威夷、西非直至澳大利亚。
最佳场景:两个年轻人经过长途跋涉终于找到了完美的海浪。虽然很小,但相当完美,而且一浪接一浪,似乎永远不会停息。导演布鲁斯·布朗(Bruce Brown)本人在踩着冲浪板、保持平衡的同时,抱着摄像机拍下了45秒钟的冲浪镜头。此外,一些真正的冲浪选手也参与了该片的拍摄工作。
2. Morning of the Earth (1971)
On the first day, Uluwatu was two feet high. Falzon came back the next day with his ragtag crew and surfed, without legropes, eight to ten foot swells all day long. The Balinese, who had never seen surfing before, apparently watched in awe from the cliffs.
But the Uluwatu sequence was just one part of an extraordinary movie that documented the experimental, hippie-inspired era that surfing went through in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The best example was footage of Chris Brock at Angourie in New South Wales, who, in between surfs, lived in a tree house in the bush.
Highlight: The opening sequence of a golden backlit wave breaking in slow motion, with the title track playing in support. Perhaps the most famous opening of any surf movie.
2、《陆地的早晨》(Morning of the Earth),1971年
Twenty years on from Morning of the Earth, surfing had become a marketable product.Contests were fought out between robotic pro surfers doing four turns to the beach in bad waves.Surf cinematographer Jack McCoy took it back to basics – unrestrained free surfing in some of the best waves on the planet. Occy, Luke Egan, ‘Munga’ Barry and a bunch of Billabong team riders rode giant tubes and tore huge hacks on waves in Australia, Hawaii and Indonesia. Best of all it was captured in glorious 16mm film.
《绿色鬣鳞蜥》(The Green Iguana),1992年
自从《陆地的早晨》(Morning of the Earth)上映后,冲浪成为一个很有卖点的产品。冲浪运动电影摄影师杰克·麦考伊(Jack McCoy)试图还原其基本面目——欧克西、卢克·艾根、芒戈·巴里(Occy, Luke Egan, ‘Munga’ Barry)等冲浪者在澳大利亚、、夏威夷和印度尼西亚乘风破浪。
4. Momentum (1992)
It’s hard to believe rookie filmmaker Taylor Steele‘s breakthrough hit was produced in the same year as The Green Iguana. Steele eschewed perfect waves and exotic locations in favor of choppy editing, a raucous punk sound track and footage of New School surfers led by then 19 year old Kelly Slater.
很难相信电影制作新手泰勒·斯迪利(Taylor Steele)的作品在《绿色鬣鳞蜥》(The Green Iguana)上映的同年获得突破性的成功。斯迪利在片中习惯性地避开了完美的海浪和异域风情。
5. Stranger Than Fiction (2008)
This is as good as it gets. Even if Taylor Steele’s latest effort didn’t go on to become a classic like the other movies in this list, it’s important because it shows where surfing is at right now.
《奇幻人生》(Stranger Than Fiction),2008年
这部影片可为尽善尽美。即使泰勒·斯迪利(Taylor Steele)最近的努力没有像这份榜单中的其他影片一样成为经典,重要的是它展现了目前冲浪在哪里。