1. Network with your friends.
This is your best shot of finding something better. Friends will advocate for you within their own companies or to friends of friends. Just like finding my husband, almost all the jobs I have held in my past have come because of my contacts with a friend of a friend. If you have no friends, then check out my post, “10 Ways to Make Friends” or John Grohol’s “10 More Ways to Make Friends.”
这是你找到更好工作机会的方法。朋友们会向公司,或者他们的朋友推荐你。就像我找到现在的丈夫一样,基本上,我之前所有的工作都是因为我和朋友们的不断联系。如果你没有朋友的话,可以参考我之前的文章,《交朋友的10种方法》“或者John Grohol的文章,《10多种方法教你广交好友》。
2. Use social networking.
I never thought I’d be so grateful for LinkedIn and Facebook, but they really do connect you to folks you would never meet outside a social networking forum. The fact that you can peruse a friend’s contact, or enter the company name in a search and have it show you which connections of other connections work for the company is nothing short of miraculous when you are determined to ditch your job.
3. Be yourself.
This is what got me fired and then hired. If you are yourself at work, you will either thrive or wither, and if you wither chances are that you are in the wrong place to begin with. Moreover, people will pick up on your skills and talents if you are using them. If they are buried underneath a stack of papers you could care less about, then your light is hidden from the world. Be yourself and fate will drive your future.
4. Network with colleagues (carefully).
This is risky. Because you really never know who you can trust. I mean, the guy who said he would try to help me find a new job is the same one who fired me. However, aside from him, I had a small group of friends who were totally honest about their love-hate relationship with the company and were exploring other options. We were there for each other and shared contacts, ideas, recommendations. But proceed cautiously.
5. Get past your fears.
The reason I took a corporate job was to get good healthcare. And the reason I stayed at that job, when my head was spinning around like the chick in the Exorcist, was cheap healthcare. Now our family is back to paying a ridiculous premium which covers nothing—and I will write about that at some point, how healthcare in the country has now dominated people’s career track, because it is virtually impossible to be creative and have good healthcare. Anyhow, for me, the big nut to get around—the fear that was holding me back—was healthcare. And although we are paying an arm and a leg right now, I know that, on some level, it will actually cost us less, because I am not getting sick as often as I was. Moreover, writing assignments have come out of the blue to cover some of the cost that I knew that we’d absorb. In short, it’s not as bad as I thought. The lesson? Don’t let your fears keep you suck in a toxic job.
无论如何,有关医疗保健的传言在不停的传播 — 恐惧感让我犹豫不决。尽管我们要让自己立刻投入一半的精力到工作中去,但是我知道,从某种程度上来说,它让我们付出的实际代价会越来越少,因为我不会和以前一样经常生病。除此之外,保险账单还可以出乎意料的涵盖一些之前我知道需要我们自己吸收的费用。总之,它没有我想的那么糟糕。那这个教训是什么呢?不要让你的恐惧感让你卷入对身体有害的工作。
6. Make up some rules.
Even if you aren’t recovering from a major health condition or mood disorder, coming up with some personal rules to live by will keep you balanced and whole, and possibly even sane and happy, because it says that you control the work situation, instead of it controlling you.
My two rules were these: I was not willing to pull all-nighters (I made a stink about needing at least seven hours of sleep), and that I would not work over 80 hours a week. When I saw that the majority of my co-workers did pull all-nighters and worked over 80 hours many weeks, I knew it was time to pull the plug. Make a list of conditions you are willing to put up with, and also a list of deal-breakers, so that you work this job according to your rules instead of theirs.
7. Go with your gut.
I don’t know about you, but my gut is more rowdy and opinionated with each passing birthday. It’s full of judgments and preferences, and when I don’t follow them, there is outrage and turmoil. So I’m trying to do a better job of going with my gut the first time round, like when it says, “I don’t see you happy in this job.” Or the second time, “I still don’t see you happy in this job.” And definitely by the third, “Are you moron? Leave!”
我不知道你怎样,但是我的内心会随着年龄的增长而逐渐复杂和富有建议性。它充满了判断和偏好。当我不紧随它的时候,它就会变得愤怒和不安。所以,当它第一次在对我说,“我没有看到你工作的时候很开心”的时候, 我紧随内心的想法尝试换一份更好的工作。否则,它会第二次对我说,“我还是没有看到你这份工作做得很开心。”甚至第三次的时候,它会对我说,“你是白痴么?快点离开!