Women are twice as likely to accept a date from a stranger if they have just heard a romantic song, according to a study. French psychologist Nicolas Gueguen recruited 183 female students, aged 18 to 20, telling them they were taking part in a market research test with one other person. They were told their research partner was late and asked to wait in a room alone where either a love song or a pop song with no romantic overtones was played. The pair spent five minutes with a researcher discussing different biscuits before the scientist made an excuse to leave the room at the University of South Brittany. The actor then asked the female for a date.
梁静茹的《情歌》在2010年度红遍海鲜两岸,无数痴男怨女在听了她的这首歌后泪雨滂沱,感伤系数超高,然而情歌的作用、情歌的渲染效果真有那么高吗?据悉,科学家证实,女人在听到一首“罗曼蒂克”情歌时,更容易接受男人示爱,机率是未听情歌时的两倍!法国心理学家Nicolas Gueguen 将183个年龄从18到20岁的女性加入他对于“情歌催情效果”的实验,在实验中,心理学家把这183相继单独关进小房间里让与他们年龄相仿的男性朋友前来和她们约会,听到罗曼蒂克情歌的女性接受对方的机率要高得多!
Around 52 per cent of the women who had listened to romantic music gave him their phone number compared to 28 per cent who had heard ‘neutral’ music, it was reported in the journal Psychology of Music.The study only looked at the effect of romantic music on women. Professor Adrian North, a psychologist at Heriot Watt University, said the influence of music on romance was harder to study in men. He explained: ‘The danger is if you do the same experiment with blokes, all the men will say yes.’
在调查中,有52%在听罗曼蒂克歌曲的女性给男性自己的电话号码,并成功发出“第二次约会”的信号!而与此相对,在只有28%的女性(听普通歌曲非情歌)肯给对方自己的号码。这个关于情歌的催情效果的实验结果已经在《音乐心理学》杂志上发表,但是实验目前只是针对女性对情歌的反映而做出的调查。以为在Heriot Watt 大学任职的心理学家开玩笑说:“我们也想把情歌作用在男性身上效果进行研究,只可惜现实中男性同胞对于情歌的作用反映太过迟钝,因为他们但凡看到约会对象往往不会拒绝!来者不拒!”