Compatibility for Capricorn and Libra is questionable due to the ‘prim and proper’ Capricorn not being able to quite understand the ‘adventurous and frivolous’ Libran. This is within the application of study on the two sun signs, however, beyond it, the duo are capable of magic!
There are a number of enthusiasts who believe firmly in the common traits observed in people of the same sun sign and the compatibility quotient between the various signs. Over the years, there have been numerous efforts made towards understanding the sun signs and the commonalities in people born within each. This effort has resulted in a study that uncannily merges world wide, within every attempt made and there are people who form impressions and take important decisions on the basis of the traits observed in people of a particular sign. The compatibility for Capricorn and Libra signs has been part of such study and the results are amazing.
The Capricorn is identified and credited with being organized and is very appealing to the Libran, especially one who is experiencing a transition between love affairs. The Libran is credited with being a ‘people’s person’ and is readily a good host. This works wonders in the case of the hard working Capricorn who could be vying for a rise in fortune through the chosen career. The compatibility for Capricorn and Libra signs is sure to woo those who matter to the planned ascent. This trait of the Libran is greatly admired by the Capricorn. It is interesting to note that the Libran feels tied down and stifled very soon and hates the feel.
The Libran is always embarking on the quest to find excitement and make life more enjoyable and quickly becomes disenchanted with relationships. The Capricorn is known to be a finance fanatic and saving and planning mean more to the Capricorn than seeking small or large pleasures. The Capricorn is credited with being a seeker of security, while the Libran sports the ‘happy-go-lucky’ attitude and this creates the perfect opposite – opposites do attract, in certain cases. While the Libran is vocal and revels in verbalized declarations, the Capricorn is the silent type! This does stress the compatibility for Capricorn and Libra signs.

The quite demeanor of the Capricorn is easily misinterpreted as cold and hard hearted. While the Capricorn sign follows the three D’s at the work place – Determination, Devotion and Dedication, the Libran will do anything to shift focus from work onto anything else. The Capricorn is capable of allowing work place diligence to take over personal relationships, while the Libran will do everything in his or her capacity to distract the Capricorn partner. The compatibility for Capricorn and Libra is considered on the basis of these considerations. The Libran cannot stand in the face of neglect and hence the observation that Librans are flirts. They prefer the quest for greener pastures than matches made in heaven.
In the case of a business partnership or understanding, it is next to impossible for the Capricorn to handle the frivolous and extravagant Libran outlook. The importance they attach to business, money and work methods is poles apart. It is common to identify many a compatibility for Capricorn and Libra signs questionable in such a setting. The Capricorn and Libran personalities are so far apart that the differences scream out loud and clear. The two extremes in application make it impossible, at least for a business deal between a Capricorn and a Libran, to work together without the differences surfacing.
Compatibility for Capricorn and Libra may work on the personal front, in a friendship or love affair. However, not for very long! Their basic natures and likes and dislikes make it important for them to move amidst a group of neutralizers. Of course, it is important to remember that these are just observations of case studies that are limited to the sphere of influence of the enthusiast working on the compatibility quotient. There are always exceptions to the rule and again, not all five fingers are alike. There are some great Capricorn and Libran friendships and marriages that are exceptions and prove such theory wrong. Whether it is astrology or palmistry or the sun signs, you should never allow the studies to entirely rule your life and impressions.