She held the crown of Hollywood's highest paid actress for most of the last decade, only recently being toppled by the likes of Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon and Cameron Diaz. But perhaps America's Sweetheart Julia Roberts is attempting to claw back to the top spot, after agreeing to appear in a 45-second advertisement for Italian coffee house Lavazza - for the hefty fee of 1.2 million euros (?1.14 million).
跻身好莱坞10年来身价最高的一线女星---大嘴茱莉亚·罗伯茨虽然已经算是“前辈级”,然而风头丝毫不亚于近年来好莱坞的新宠桑德拉·布洛克、瑞茜·威瑟斯彭以及卡梅隆·迪亚兹。甜姐儿大嘴罗伯茨日前为意大利著名品牌Lavazza 咖啡拍摄45秒的天价广告,据传,茱莉亚·罗伯茨拍摄这则广告获得120万欧元的广告费呢。
Lavazza bosses are seemingly so confident in Julia's talent that she is not even required to speak for her role in the 45-second ad.The actress appears in the heavenly advertisement, to be screened over the Christmas period in Italy, as Botticelli's Venus in a setting in the clouds.
著名品牌 Lavazza 对罗伯茨的人气十分有信心,将拍摄场地选在了意大利境内。据悉,在这45秒的广告中,茱莉亚·罗伯茨一身白裙“登上天堂”化身爱神维纳斯。此外,大嘴罗伯茨在广告中根本不用说话,她所要做的就是品尝咖啡后露出她招牌式的甜美笑容就可以了。
Roberts said during promotion for the movie that she gained ten pounds during filming in Rome, where she underwent 'Olympic carbo loading.' 'By the time we would cut I'd be done with an entire pizza or a whole bowl of pasta,' she said. 'The take would just go on and on and I'd love it.'